Saturday was one of those busy days. The mister has a rule: one "thing" per day. I don't follow that rule but today I"m wishing I did. I had three things planned on Saturday and I did all three, but not sure I did any of them well.
My morning started with a 5k. The theme was "I run for chocolate and champagne" so how could I resist? And it was a fund-raiser for one of my fave local charities that provides awesome services for girls. It was by women, for women so you know it was well organized. I haven't been back to boot camp since the great Whooping Cough Epidemic of 2008 so I figured it would kick my ass.
My ass survived and I had fun: walking along the bay with my dear friend and just enjoying being out.
Then I rushed off to The City for a fun-filled afternoon of parliamentary procedure training. What? Do aren't as turned on by Robert's Rules as I am? Interesting. I do love me so parliamentary procedure. The second half of the training was focused on a newer version that's a bit more flexible and friendly but I'm sure no one is interested in this aspect of my day.
The third thing on my agenda was the monthly support group/educational meeting hosted by our adoption consultant. It's always a long day and a lot of information but yesterday it was painful.
The mister got a ride with another lady in "the service". My plan was to meet him there but a bit later in the day. I am so very sorry now that I wasn't there from the beginning. He had a horrid time and he needed me there.
So what happened? The other couple who NPL is considering were there again (and this month they gave NPL and her mom a ride) and apparently they're feeling more than a bit competitive. My mister went out of his way to be nice to them, to try to let them know this really wasn't a competition and we were totally cool.
They were not cool.
During the "check ins" (which everyone who has ever been to any kind of support group can relate to), Mrs Vulture was incredibly inappropriate. She had already staked her claim on NPL and didn't want anyone else close to her. Apparently during her check in she went on and on about how "healing" it was for her to have been talking to NPL and how they will likely match and how NPL has helped her work through some of her infertility issues and given her a reason to hope again. All while stroking NPL's shoulders or touching her.
I missed this heinously inappropriate display by about 10 minutes. When I got there, I could see the mister was visibly shaken but trying to be cool. When he did his check in, he mentioned how we'd also been talking to NPL and really liked her. That is when I knew The Vultures must have said things they should not have said. If only I'd known what they said.
I heard from a few other people in the group a bit more about what when down. We tried to hang out with some of the other folks during the social time and just keep it light but it was hard. One of the couples we like best announced their engagement! They also told us their website had been getting a lot of hits from a certain southern state. I told them that some friends of mine (who shall remain nameless...CHRIS...had found their site independently and wanted to be adopted by them. We chatted with the NPL and her mom. We made plans to talk wedding stuff with the guys. Then we left and I found out why the mister was so upset.
I was livid in the car on the way home. We chose this consultant because it is incredibly important to us that we have as ethical a domestic adoption as possible. We want no manipulation or coercion of any time. We know the NPL is probably more susceptible than some others to manipulation, especially when she might feel she'd let someone else down. How dare The Vultures say the things they said in front of all those people and the NPL? How can they be so fucking clueless and entitled?
Both the mister and I feel dirty now. Just sullied by the association of this all-too-common type of prospective adoptive parent. We felt let down by our consultant who did nothing to stop these comments or prevent them. The Vultures are not in her service and we feel that some guidelines should have been set. Most of the other couples in her service are not at all like that. I think Mrs Vulture has a lot of work she needs to do with a qualified therapist before she is ready to parent any child, much less a child in an open adoption with a birthmother who has had so much trauma in her own life.
I would have been horrified to see any couple acting like that with any NPL but it was definitely more distressing that it was this particular situation. I told the mister perhaps we should just take our names out of the hat. That's not what we want to do though. That was just my own fear talking and I know we can do this honorably and ethically.
I left the consultant a message last night as soon as we got home. It's probably a very good thing she didn't call back until today. It gave me a chance to calm down a bit and run my concerns past the mister and my dear friend Bebe who was in our shoes a year ago.
I didn't sleep much last night because I was just so worked up and outraged. I wrote a nice, calm email this morning. The consultant called before I could even send it. She started the conversation by wanting to update me with where the NPL is in her decision process but I stopped her.
I think I did a good job of explaining my concerns. The consultant agreed that Mrs Vulture (and her adoption attorney who is pushing every day for NPL to make a decision but that's another post and a good reason to steer clear of adoption attorneys even if they claim to offer support for open adoption) need to be severely chastised.
I have no problem at all with the fact the NPL is still trying to decide. It's a huge decision. Honestly, is there any bigger decision anyone can make? I truly don't think so. I fully support her in whatever decision she makes. I truly hope that she is considering parenting this child and if that is not possible that she chooses the best family for her child and her situation. I do not want to pressure her in any sort of way. I don't want her to experience even the subtlest manipulation/coercion. I recognize that NONE of this is about the mister or me. This is NOT about our healing or our deserving to have a baby or any of that. We are the LAST part of the equation and get the LEAST amount of attention in this process. That is how it should be. If she chooses us, we want it to be because she truly feels that we are the best parents to raise her son.
We could play the whole "we're more ethical than you" card. But, duh, that entirely defeats the purpose. We could be playing the whole "you're older than dirt and don't live in an area with any diversity so what the hell makes you think you can raise an African-American son" card. At least we get the satisfaction of taking the moral high ground, right?
But this is not some game. We will not compromise our morals or our ethical standards. Not one whit. Of course, personally I think that makes us better choices to parent any child but again, it's totally not my decision and not even my right to suggest that. Still trying to be zen but it is getting harder and harder.
But I will never allow the mister to experience the pain he did because of other people's poor behavior. She might be a vulture but I am a lioness and I will not hesitate to take her out if she threatens my pride. Perhaps she needs to spend some time in the bush to see nature at work?
If you read all the way to the end you deserve a gold star. Or at least a cute youtube video. I can't believe the entire world hasn't seen the cute otter video but I shared it with two more friends at brunch this morning. It makes me smile today when not much else does (although a SmartyPants challenge on Facebook or some good karma is always appreciated as well).
Those otters know what Jack Johnson is singing about in my post title. It really is better when we're together. I know that's true: I even have the Flair to prove it.
Our dreams and they are made out of real things.
Like a shoebox of photographs with sepia-toned loving.
Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my
Why are we here? And where do we go? And how come it's so
It's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving.
I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're