I had a super-busy day yesterday. I had foolishly committed to 3 separate social gatherings. Usually we have a one activity per day rule in my house (mostly because that's how the mister likes it and I often chide him for it) but I wanted to do each of these outings so I figured what the hell.
They were all great. Simply fabulous. Each in their own way. Mmmm, I think I'll do it Memento style.
Birthday cookout at home of husband's ukelele-playing coworker(6:30 pm-4:30 pm): I got to this one fairly late. In fact I was so very late the grill was already off. Not to worrry there were some cool new people to talk to and get to know. It was not a 'work' party so people could actually talk about a variety of things. I was also able to blend in fairly well and not come across as the crazy infertile one. I glommed on to one couple and sucked them dry of all their knowledge of Japanese maples and landscaping ideas for small front yards (and they had a LOT of ideas). I did play nice and share with them my personal pet peeves regarding plated desserts (one of my biggest pet peeves is the overuse of mint as a garnish) and told them my favorite places for dessert in my area. (Only because they literally begged me ...but I still had fun with it).
Sophisticated Baby Shower for Infertile Friend (4:00 pm-11:45 am): Ok, I know some of you may already be wincing but it was sooooo much fun. Seriously. The food was simply too die for and most of the women hadn't been to a baby shower in more than a dozen years. For some it had been a score. I knew the bar would be set high when I received the invitation in the mail a couple of weeks ago. If I could figure out how to post a picture here I would. There was a tiny scroll that was somehow inserted into an egg that had been dyed and the insides blown out. The scroll said "Something wonderful is hatching for ....this spring. Come helps us celebrate and feather her nest."
The honoree was incredibly sensitive and the host was as well (she's dealing with secondary infertility so kudos to her for being such a great friend). I got to hang with another person from our IF support group and it was a really good time. I'm not even just saying that. I do feel a little sorry for the one woman who announced she was going to start trying at 38 and asked for advice. Oh, how I remember those naive days when I thought I could plan when I wanted to get pregnant. Anyway it was truly fun and great to be able to support my friend. I did cry some but it had absolutely nothing to do with me and it felt great. It was those damn little clothes and the hand-knit sweaters and blankets. So much love in one room!
Saturday in the park (11:00 am-10:00 am): My first event of the day was totally awesome and inspirational. I was lucky enough to get invited to hang out with a bunch of moms and their kids. What's so cool about that? They had all used donor eggs or adopted embryos to build their families. There were 2 sets of the cutest twins you've ever seen in your life. Unfortunately, the older kids were sick so we had to settle for passing all the twins around. We were pretty good at sharing them and they were great at tolerating all the crazy women oohing and ahhing. Did I say it was awesome? Awesome. Awe---some. I think I just need to say that over and over again. I wish anyone that is considering donor gametes could have been there with us. It was interesting to hear them talk about how they're handling the tellling/no telling thing, where some of the older kids are (I think the oldest is around 3), and just everything else. What a great group of women! And one very brave man who wasn't scared off by all the estrogen.
So that was my very busy and incredibly satisfying on many levels Saturday. Today I'm just sleeping, reading the paper and being a total slug. That's nice too.