I promise not to bury the lead: baby boy is leaving the hospital this afternoon!!!
We are all so thrilled and relieved. Yesterday it was a bit questionable whether or not he would get discharged as planned because his numbers weren't quite where the local ped wanted them.
It seems like for the past nine years so much of my life has been determined by numbers that weren't quite where anyone wanted them. In the early days it was a short luteal phase. Then it was that horrible high FSH. Then all the numbers associated with each cycle: E2, P4, follicles and their sizes, lining. Next were embryos with their cell numbers and grading. After that came the betas: zero, too low, questionable doubling times. Then watching the betas come down during my last ectopic pregnancy.
When we moved to adoption, we lost our number obsession for quite some time. Until the night after baby boy was born.
Since then we've lived from vitals check to vitals check. We obsessively charted his respiratory rate and oxygenation level. Normal neonates breathe anywhere from 30-55 times per minute. It's often higher at birth but settles down with the first 12 hours. That wasn't the case for baby boy.
His rate was around 90-100. And stayed there. It slowly came down as the antibiotics started doing their thing. It's now mostly in the 50s but it's been a long slow downward trend.
The other critical-to-us number was his CRP (at least I think that's what it's called). His was at 18.9 the first time it was checked. Optimally it should be lower than 1.
We knew he looked dramatically better and seemed to be doing awesome. We were all very surprised when is CRP was only down to 6.4 yesterday. That resulted in numerous phone calls and consults and discussion yesterday. We were relieved when the decision was made to continue with the plan. Any extension in treatment would mean transferring to the nearest NICU and we just want to go home.
So now we are killing time until his last small antibiotic shot here in the hospital Then they take out his iv!! It will be the first time in 11 days he doesn't have an iv in his tiny hand or foot.
Our favorite nurse is on duty and spending lots of time with us. She's loading us up with all kinds of treats. We are taking lots and lots of photos with all these special people.
Soon we head to the lake house. Baby boy will breathe fresh air for the first time in his life. He will get to feel the sub o. His skin. Yay for that!
The next glitch might be ICPC or the Interstate Compact for the Protection of Children. Our lawyer has been all over this. Our local ICPC office has been super responsive. The Beaver State office? Not so much.
We really hope to get clearance in time to head home on Thursday but honestly it might be days or a week. Last night we explained this all to Sydney again. She visibly crumbled.
There is just so much for all of us to process and so much is completely out of our control. The mister and I are used to this but Sydney is still a newbie. She has had one serious crash course over the past couple of weeks in being flexible and recognizing what little control any of us have over certain things.
So while we are all immensely grateful we get to ALL head to the lake house today, we are asking the universe (and the Great Beaver State) for a break.
Hoping the stars continue to line up for all of you and you get your okay to head home sooner than later ... Send our best to Sydney too! Hoping to see you at your fabulous adoption consultant's meeting coming up :)
Posted by: Mommysquared | Tuesday, 27 September 2011 at 14:28
Woohoooo!!! So glad I checked here instead of pestering you on your phone. ICPC will come through at the last minute and you'll be completely surprised. I know we were. Hoping to see you all this next meeting too.
Posted by: Team Rabbito | Tuesday, 27 September 2011 at 16:37
I'm so glad that he's okay and going home with you. Well, okay, your temporary home, but still, it's a huge improvement from the hospital! I hope all continues to be well.
Posted by: Anne | Tuesday, 27 September 2011 at 17:21
Woo hoo! Way to go baby boy. His release must be such a relief. Is the ICPC something you need to leave the state with him? I hope it comes through soon whatever it is. enjoy your time as a family, together for the first time outside the hospital.
Posted by: zhl | Wednesday, 28 September 2011 at 11:38
Well done baby boy!
I do hope you get a bit of a break so things can settle down.
Posted by: Lut C. | Wednesday, 28 September 2011 at 12:44
I know that I've been so behind and disconnected as my stepfather went back to the hospital for trip #6 that I haven't been as supportive as I should have been during this whole ordeal. I am so very sorry.
I hope that discharge has happened and that things are moving forward in a positive way. Will check in with you this weekend.
Posted by: Liana | Saturday, 01 October 2011 at 08:50
I hope that you update us and don't drop off the face of the earth like you did after your first. Sorry -just feeling frustrated!
Posted by: Ellen | Friday, 14 October 2011 at 21:58