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Friday, 16 September 2011


I hope to wake up to good news in the morning. :-) Wishing you a peaceful and beautiful evening. I hope she progresses ok. Slow progression makes me nervous as well, but I know is typical with inductions. Thinking about you. So excited for you...
All this lawyer stuff makes my head spin. I bet you could write a book. ;)

such an intense time. crazy security too!
glad they are complying with her wishes though.
continuing to wish you all well as baby boy inches closer to birth...

On edge! Hope things go smoothly from here.


Security guard? Secret codes? Never heard of it around here, and I remember feeling uneasy in the maternity ward. Anyone could just walk in and out - and pose as a nurse ... (or that's how it felt).

Really hoping Sydney doesn't have to suffer too much. And that everything goes well once baby boy is there!

Waiting right here along with you all. Thanks for the update and I hope it all goes smoothly for Sydney!

Hoping that the little one has finally arrived. Yes, I'm familiar with all the security measures. We have to "badge" in and out of most every where. But if it's safer for families all is good.

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