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Wednesday, 03 August 2011


EEEE! I'm so very excited for you all! What wonderful news!

Awesome news and so exciting! Best wishes to you all!

That is so amazing. I am thrilled for you. I've missed your updates. Will you become a parent blogger now so we can share in your early parenting fun and troubleshooting? It is so helpful to hear how others that dealt with IF turn that issue into the past and face the new joys and challenges that are life after the IF intensity - whether that means having children or not. Sending thoughts your general direction for smooth sailing for the next long while.

So excited for you Millie! Boys are fun!

My goodness, that's so much to take in. I'm thrilled for you.

Boy's clothes cuter? I've always found them so much more boring around here.
But I think there's way too much pink in the girls department. I do my best to pick around it.

Boys are such different creatures from girls, but can be so much fun! Six weeks! My goodness this is beyond exciting!

Wow, you better get busy! and Yay, so glad things went well :)

6 weeks is going to fly by. Here's to baby boys!

OMG. So happy for you. Boys rock. My boys almost 22 and I can't imagine life without him. Good luck to you!!

look at you, posting again!

so very excited for you and the mister and your growing family. it's all pretty amazing!

Wow! Such excitement. Good luck on all sides with the preparations!

Wow. Congratulations. That's fabulous.

Amazing. And awesome. Can't wait to hear more!

And if you feel comfortable, would you mind talking a bit about what kind of "claiming" you guys did? And did doing more come out of your first experience with OA? Agan, just ignore this, if you'd like!

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