So last week I got in a bit of a panic. Our schedule, you see, is a bit crazy over the next few weeks. It goes a little something like this:
- We've had visitors almost non-stop since the middle of July. This was our only visitor-free weekend until we leave for baby boy's birth.
- Ms FoodNetwork arrives for a long visit during which we'll do some touristy stuff (why is is EVERY visitor wants to go to The Rock?), attend a montly adoption meeting, have TallGirl's second birthday party ("MUNO party, mama!"), do some more touristy stuff and find some nice quiet times in between to hang out.
- The biggest conference of the year for my work starts before Ms FoodNetwork leaves. I have an "invite-only" 12 hour special session that only a few folks were asked to attend and it's super important that I'm one of those folks.
- Two days after Ms FoodNetwork leaves we're supposed to head north to the Emerald City for a concert and visits with Bebe and her family as well as Initial Girl and Sandal Boy. Then fly pack, pack up and drive 9 hours north to Sydney and meet her family. And hope that baby boy doesn't want to come early.
The trip to Emerald City was planned back in April. You see one of our very favorite bands in the whole world is playing at a winery there and Bebe invited us. This past year has been beyond difficult for her and we're so excited to celebrate how much she kicked cancer's ass. So we started talking and planning back in April. And airline tickets were cheap so I bought some.
As I said, I started freaking out a few days ago about how this might all go down. What if Sydney went into labor when we were in the Emerald City? Should we pack baby boy's stuff and take it with us? Maybe just a carseat? Should we just ditch the tickets and drive?
Long story still fairly long: there are no airline tickets. Apparently I didn't click the very last thing I needed to click. We all thought there were tickets. But the mister, Bebe, Initial Girl and even AmEx couldn't find a record of any tickets.
So now we drive. It'll be so much easier on my psyche but likely harder on my ass. We've never done long car trips with TallGirl but we'll make up for all of that in one long trip.
So maybe I never bought the tickets. Or maybe the universe made them disappear to make this all easier for me. Either way, I'll take it.
Everything else is going along great. Sydney and I are messaging and texting a lot. She's getting tired more easily. Her sisters and mama will be visitng her over baby boy's due date and she wants us all to meet. We're so glad she's got so much support and are looking forward to getting to know the rest of her clan.
I need to go back and reread what I wrote about 2 years ago so I can more articulately speak to the differences. The mister and I have had tiny windows in the last week and a half to process some of this. So far, knock on wood, there has been no drama. Much more about this soon but that's a huge difference.
luna: I still can't believe our dates are so very similar! It's just seriously crazy and wonderful and so many things all at once that we're both planning for new babies at the same time. Seriously!
Michell:I still believe that open adoption can be a beautiful way to build your family. This time around, it's also been straightforward and drama-free which has been the case for many of my friends from the get-go. I do get that the ambiguity can be paralyzing especially when you start the process but once you let go and just accept you have no control, it gets so much easier. And when you get to a point where you're really thinking about what a baby needs, and not only what you do, it just gets clearer and clearer.
PBfish: So freakin' soon!
Summer: I think my next post will be about some of the differences in our experiences. Thanks for the suggestion.
mamadelicious: There are some mighty fine boy socks from Trumpette. If only you'd saved E's socks. I do have some adorable girl ones if little e would like them. Special edition glitter! Mary janes. Oooh and lots of Tea. I still haven't grown up and justify the costs by saying "I don't want him to feel left out because he had poor footwear choices." Can't wait to get all our kids together sometime soon!
Lut C: We don't do camoflauge at our house even if it's purple (and I looooove purple). I'm also not big into sporty clothes either so I think I will need to educate the grandparents. My mom couldn't understand why I didn't like a big pink bear in a tutu with ballet shoes on a onesie for a 3 month old. I'm pretty sure she won't understand why I don't want all trucks and football stuff for a boy. Thanks for listening.
PiquantMolly: It's all part of my nefarious plan: don't say a word for ever then drop a bomb.Thanks!!! Surely you have some boy names you'd offer up at a discount?
KS: Thanks!! Not sure I have your email. Send it to me and I'll FB you.
Next up: Differences the second time around and/or the name thing. BTW we're reallllly struggling with names so feel free to suggest faves. I think boy names are hard!
that is so much to process and deal with all at once. but as I said before, at least you don't have much time to worry this time around. and hooray for no drama!
what an amazing thing that our kids could be even closer together this time!
Posted by: luna | Wednesday, 24 August 2011 at 20:52
That is a rather tight schedule. I hope it all works out perfectly. Very exited for you!
Posted by: Lut C. | Thursday, 25 August 2011 at 13:29
Names: Colin, Oliver, Jasper
Posted by: Tess | Thursday, 25 August 2011 at 21:49
Henry, Mitchell, Finn...have fun picking out names!
Posted by: erin | Monday, 29 August 2011 at 18:51