Hello...Is anyone reading this? I have started a million-zillion posts in my head but they just never made it very far. Then I felt guilty for not posting. Time went on and it just got harder and harder to come back. Life got busier. All the same old excuses.
I miss being a blogger. I miss being part of a community that offered me so much support. I can't keep up with all the new blogs (or clearly even with the old ones). I thought about tweeting but all I seem to do there is follow some friends and a lot of cyclists. I am on facebook and am much better about posting there.
I've struggled with what to write about. I'm not and will never be a "mommy blogger". Just not gonna happen. I thought I'd write more about open adoption. That's a natural, right? But I struggle with how to do that in a way that feels ok to me. I want to protect my family but I'm also so proud of my family. How do I balance those?
We're considering adding to our family, perhaps later this year. Maybe that's something worth blogging about? The mister and I aren't entirely on the same page for the first time since we decided to become parents. That's hard and I'm not comfortable with writing about that either.
I'm heading back to work full time and that's not likely to give me more blogging time either. I'm far from the first working mom to blog and that would likely be very interesting reading either.
I haven't gotten notifications on comments for a long time. I'm not sure what happened there. I do apologize for not responding. I'm truly touched that people took the time to comment when I had been so absent.
In general though, life is good. Really really really good. My own little Gabba is growing by leaps and bounds. She's completey obsessed with that show (and Baby Signing Time) and I find myself singing the theme a thousand times a day.
She brings a tremendous amount of joy to the mister, me, our folks, and almost everyone she meets. She's one of the happiest, easiest kids around. I'm so incredbily lucky to be her mom. In just a few short days she'll be a year and a half. How can the eight hard years have gone soooooo slowly and the last 18 months have been so fast?
The mister and I are so thankful to have her first family in our lives. We've been back to the Lonestar state a couple of times and we had the most amazing visit with Ms Foodnetwork here over e's birthday.
We've also been fortunate enough to introduce e to some of our dear friends from this community. Lucky for us, she's a great traveler! Our first "family" vacation was with Pamplemousse, the Head Banger and DD. We went to Salem (famous for witches) but found a store for each of us: Pamplemousse and Modern Millie. I swear! We have photos to prove it. Recently we had a playdate with the lovely Zanity and her son on our last trip to the wild west!
For anyone who still stops by or keeps a light on, I truly appreciate it. I'm sorry for leaving y'all hanging for such a long time. If anyone wants to be friends on facebook, just lemme know. I'm much better about updating there.
Even though we're friends on FB, I'm always excited to see a post from you here!
I hear ya about the blogging. I can't stop blogging altogether yet most of my posts don't make it past my brain through my fingertips.
Sorry to hear you and the mister aren't on the same page with the idea of adding to your family. Hope you guys can work that out with time.
Posted by: Summer | Thursday, 24 February 2011 at 21:49
I've been wondering how you were (but haven't lifted a finger to ask, to my shame).
Great to read you're doing so well as a family, and I know what you mean about time speeding up.
Posted by: Lut C. | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 00:23
It is great to hear from you! I would love to stalk you on FB.
It is such a hard rope to walk, to want to blog and share and yet respect the privacy of people. I think I talk too much...
Posted by: BigP's Heather | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 04:54
Oh yeah let's be FB friends. I'm glad things are going well. Been wondering how you are with the new family addition.
Posted by: Jill | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 04:57
I was so excited when my daughter told me you had finally posted. We have both been wondering about you and hoping that you and your family were doing well. So glad that you're happy and your baby girl is wonderful. I would love to be your friend on FB and keep up with you.
Posted by: Dianne | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 07:44
Thanks for the update - hope you keep posting. It's good to know you're doing well and I wish you the best of luck in adding to your family.
Posted by: Sue | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 09:28
I'm still here :)
Posted by: Tertia | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 10:54
So thrilled to see you post and very happy that things are going so beautifully! We have all missed seeing you post, but knew that you had a new well deserved focus in your life. I would love to follow you on facebook and you can email me at [email protected] with your fb info.
Posted by: Sharon | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 19:17
The days are long but the years are short!
Posted by: Orodemniades | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 20:10
Really? 18 months? That did seem to go fast.
I'm glad you're doing well. I hope you get any issues - about being on the same page - sorted out, and I'm sure you will find a solution between you.
I get the not-a-mummy-blogger thing.
I hope to see the odd update from time to time, whenever you feel is appropriate.
Posted by: Bea | Saturday, 26 February 2011 at 01:06
Yup, my little one is a big "Yo GG" fan too. I stumbled on the show accidentally because I don't really have her watch TV. Hmm, maybe I'll look for the Signing show you're talking about since she knows sign language. That's great everything is going so well! We are also thinking about a sibling and have decided not to pursue until the little one is about 3 or 4. She is DEFINITELY keeping us on our toes...a little energy machine in diapers.
Posted by: Merlot | Saturday, 26 February 2011 at 05:51
Oh how I missed you, fellow transplanted Tarheel! You had such an impact on me during my DE IVF time...time does pass all to quickly. My son, Jack, is 3 & every stage is a joy. I'd love to hear from you on FB, Teresa
Posted by: Teresa Blackwell Myers | Saturday, 26 February 2011 at 18:51
It still pops up in my reader. Luckily I see you on facebook and so knew things were going well for you.
Posted by: battynurse | Sunday, 27 February 2011 at 10:00
Glad to hear all is well :) and that you're back!
Posted by: Sami | Saturday, 05 March 2011 at 14:38
I don't have a reader (since that would make reading blogs all the time too tempting) but I do a google-check in to see if there are any updates on how things are going with you, so it's nice that you posted letting us know that it's marvelous!
Posted by: Mellie | Sunday, 06 March 2011 at 12:51
Also here. Just a bit late. :)
Posted by: PiquantMolly | Wednesday, 09 March 2011 at 14:12
Lovely to hear from you - love to be friends on Facebook ...
Posted by: Sparkle | Friday, 11 March 2011 at 15:05
I could have written the first 3 paragraphs of this post! Like you I miss being part of the blogging community - but then I feel so guilty thus I rarely update!
So lovely to hear from you - and I'm so happy to hear that your life is so good! Much love x
Posted by: M | Friday, 18 March 2011 at 19:56
Glad to hear that life is good. Very good to hear from you.
Posted by: erin | Tuesday, 22 March 2011 at 11:17
I'm so glad to see all is well! I suspected you were just happily absorbed in motherhood, but of course the mind, it did go to potentially not-good places involving heartbreak and tragedy. I'm very happy to see those fears were ill-founded.
I would love to be FB friends. Heck, we're nearly neighbors! I found your blog while clicking through links on DE (my twins are from DE/DS IVF) and I would love to keep up with your story and the antics of the divine Miss e.
Posted by: Jo | Tuesday, 29 March 2011 at 17:19
So, SO excited to hear from/about you! I don't do much on Facebook - we keep an account under my husband's name just for friends and family who 'refuse' to communicate any other way :0), but would love to check in on you there as well as here if that would be ok.
And I'm SOOOO disappointed you were in Salem and I "missed" you. We are just outside of Boston ourselves and, even though the husband probably would have thought me crazy, I would have loved to meet you all! Don't know if you'll head back this way anytime soon - but keep me on your "to call" list if/whenever you do.
Best of luck going back to work. I struggled badly with that transition when my little girl was 2. It was a tough few months for everyone - in hindsight, made MUCH harder by my piss poor attitude. On a brighter note, I recently hit the one year (back to work) mark and, after some serious soul searching, several heart to heart discussions (first with my husband, then with my manager) and a shiny new set of RECALIBRATED EXPECTATIONS on EVERYONE's part, we are all doing swimmingly well.
Hope to hear from you soon - but thinking about you either way!
All the best,
Posted by: (another) karen | Monday, 04 April 2011 at 19:07
Wow, hadn't checked in a while and for various reasons did today! So glad to see your post. If you get this I would love to be facebook friends with you to keep up. my facebook e-mail is [email protected] and my other e-mail I check all the time if you want to send me your facebook info or need something else from me to decide if you want to accept me as a fbook friend is [email protected]
By the way I finally borrowed Thoroughly Modern Millie from the library and watched it over Christmas break. It was fun!
If you do keep blogging I would love to have you blog about anything or more about the adoption process..trying to convince the mister to want to adopt but no luck so far, but I'd love to hear more about the process, your process, just the whole experience.
So happy again to see this post, hope to connect with you on facebook. Sending happy thoughts to you, the husband and e! Happy Spring!
Posted by: filmgal30 | Friday, 22 April 2011 at 16:26
My blogroll isn't updating you correctly so I didn't see this post in time. It's good to see you online and hear how things are doing. I doubt I'd be a mommy blogger either (should that day ever come for me) so totally understandable that you haven't been on as often.
It's hard to write openly and candidly about relationship things in one's blog...that's for certain. Hope you two reach a consensus on all things about trying for another one. :)
Posted by: Linda | Sunday, 22 May 2011 at 20:05
So happy to see you're back here - I love being FB friends, but am really looking forward to whatever your decide to write about in this space - I've missed your voice!
Posted by: Anna H. | Tuesday, 09 August 2011 at 15:56