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Tuesday, 11 August 2009


ack! i'm so psyched. keep us posted!

OMG, OMG so excited for you. Praying all will go well. Big hugs from Perth!

I just have this incredible feeling of...expectantness...for you. I know there are still plenty of possible turning points ahead, but I'm so very, very hopeful for you.

May this be unequivocally IT.

thursday?! you're not kidding about lightning speed! all good thoughts!

I'm just exhausted for you.... you do realize you may not sleep again for 6 months or so.... hee hee!

Wow, that is A LOT! All the best to you as you leave town and things continue to move forward.

(here from lfca)

I'm absolutely giddy that you may FINALLY be on the cusp of something spectacular. No one deserves this more than you and no one has been more patient! Crossing everything!

Sounds very exciting. Hope the week goes well even if it is hectic.

all sounding fantastic. So glad all the services are actually helping for a change! Glad you're getting some sleep, too.


Awesome, awesome news. I hope you get even more awesome news in the coming hours and days.

This is just fantastic! So excited for you!

ON the edge of my seat. Thanks for squeezing in an update. Not like you don't have other things to do or think about.

wow! didn't I pick a great time to check in??
Good Luck!! Fingers crossed and waiting for an update!

OMFG!!! Just tried to call you, but you're probably on a plane. OMFG! Waiting with bated breath!!!

Wow! That is fast! I've been checking in on you regularly (DESPITE your bad blogging habit! (-: ) and these posts really made my day.

Hope it works out for you!!!!!!

Yellowgirl from the Southern Part of Heaven

I'm out of breath just reading that!
Hoping very, very hard for you!

Wow, on pins and needles over here!!

wonderful news!

woo hoo - can't wait to hear more!

wow! it happens so fast! May all your hard work pay off with the fulfillment of your dreams

Millie or should I now say Mommy? ;)

I had to de-lurke to say Wow! I'm so terribly excited for you guys! I so hope that all goes well, and you are bringing home baby very, very soon!

BTW - just a little bit of travel prep advice...

However you plan to travel, if it involves a car seat for baby, make a quick call the pediatrician you plan to use (or any, for that matter) and learn about newborns and car seat ettiqute. Dr. Google can probably answer this too...

Here's the gist - you should not leave a newborn in a car seat more than a certain length of time without a break. It's something like 3 hrs, but get the time from Dr.

Newborns can't support their neck, and since they don't lay flat in a car seat it is very hard on them physically to do long stints kinda squished down in the seat.

I don't say this to scare you. I just know that no matter HOW you travel, it will involve lots of TIME, and you might not have anyone think to tell you this!

Sure hoping like hell that all goes well for you guys.

wow! I'm so excited for you! Thanks for updating. :)

Ohmygod,ohmygod,ohmygod! So frickin' excited for you. Sending you strength for everything to come!

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