Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...that's us. I'm listening to a little Jack Johnson and trying to channel my inner zen. The days are seemingly longer and longer.
Yesterday I finally told the guys I'm working with that I might have to jet off to the Lonestar State on very short notice. They're clearly guys because their response was "well, as long as you have wifi you can still work, right?" Our team is fairly dispersed anyway(the technical lead is in Minsk for a few weeks, another key player is in Moscow, the clients are in NJ and NY) so if it was just a trip for some other reason that would be fine. I'm pretty sure there's no way in hell I'll want to lead conference calls or send a lot of stupid emails about search engine optimization or website design. But good to lay the groundwork and initiate the conversation.
Yesterday Whole Paycheck lived up to it's name. Thanks to you guys I picked up some Gripe Water, Almond Oil, assorted Burt's Baby stuff and a can of organic formula. I think it was probably the 4 bottles of white wine and 4 six-packs of expensive beer for our Man of Honor's birthday that really set me back. What says Happy Birthday to a beer loving psychiatrist better than Lobotomy Boch?
Best part of the Whole Paycheck trip? Getting carded. I always like to note the date because each time I think it'll be the last.
Also thanks to Aimee's suggestion and the lovely Francine's help over the phone, the mister and I got a cool but teeny vidocamera last night (the Flip) and we love it.
In my rush to get the carseat cover free from cat hair and drool, I lost one of the teeny tiny pads that covers the bottom buckle. Of course you can't buy just that one teeny tiny pad. So I called the manufacturer and ordered a whole new cover/pad set. Then I called what is now my very favorite baby gear store in the world. I'd recently purchased a travel bag for our stroller (before the call last weekend actually) and had great service with them. It turns out they are located in the very city we hope to fly to soon. And my new bff Gail found an open box return on the same color and has swiped the pad for me. We can pick it (and perhaps some other fun baby gear) up in person when we arrive! Problem solved!
We hadn't talked to Ms FoodNetwork so I thought it would be fun to text a bit (her email is down until Tuesday at the earliest and didn't want to pressure her with a phone call). I don't have mad texting skillz but am not afraid to use emoticons and lol to show I'm not as old as my passport indicates. Her midwife appointment yesterday went well but drained her. She's only 70% effaced (and not sure about dilation) so now they're thinking sometime early next week. Or later next week.
The mister's parents arrive here at 7 pm next Wednesday for 42 hour visit (apparently when you're retired you just don't have time to visit with family for long which as you might guess is hunky dory by me). They're spending the weekend down south for a family wedding that they told us repeatedly we wouldn't be invited to attend (does anyone think a volume or 10 of Miss Manners or Emily Post would even make a dent with them?).
I don't know if I complained about this trip earlier so forgive me if I'm being redundant. But when they scheduled the trip they gave us two options (Wed-Fri this week or Mon-Wed next week) and instructed us we'd each have to take a day off work. Seriously that's what they said "you'll need to take Thursday or Tuesday off". Who does that? I told the mister I didn't think they could afford my billable rate but we'd see once they received their net30 invoice. He thought I was kidding.
With just a little luck we'll only have time enough to see them briefly in the airport. With even more luck we'll miss them by a few hours. I doubt I'm that lucky but we'll see.
Replies to previous comments (because I'm too lazy to deal with it any other way)
@beagle: I've been thinking a lot about you and yours. So many of his baby clothes are now safely packed and ready to be used! Your son shares his name with this baby's birthfather and I think it'll mean a lot to the family to know that connection.
@K: Bring 'em on! The good, the bad and the ugly.
@Jen: I knew you had excellent taste.
@bonnie: It all started with a baby named Hayden here a few years back for me (and that name does not go at ALL with their last name). Then Aiden got ruined with all that SATC stuff. And Britney with her Jayden. Then too many Cadens. I do like Braeden (epecially yours!) but my DNA boss and another friend have already used it up.
@Carrie: I love love love Baby Name Wizard and Voyager. I've been obsessed with that site for years and think she's done a great job with it. Do you know Nameberry ? That's one of my other fave naming sites.
@julie (I can even do wacky twittering like replies to show off): I hate to inform you that neither of your children break my naming rules. The birth certificate is all important and since you gave your eldest a non-nickname name there then that is peachy keen with me. Your youngest qualifies under the Social Security Popularity Index because it hasn't broken the top 20 although it's rated very highly around our neck of the woods. Try harder with #3. ;)
@michele: Thanks!!!
@Aimee: Got a videocamera now thanks to you and F! It's really hard to come up with 2 names we like.
@Pamplemousse: Bring on the names! It wasn't nearly as much fun to shop without you and I probably did an awful job of it.
@daisy mae: So far about 36 lbs and holding. I've been stuck on a plateau for a few months but hope to see the needle heading down again. I'd like to lose another 11 lbs at least but if I can just stay where I am that's better than before, right?
@amys:William is also a family name but not one the mister likes too much.
@arsela: Thanks for all the tips! I'll definitely bring more wipes and lotion for my hands. If the baby is very overdue I've read that their skin can be dry and cracking but we'll see if that comes to pass.
@wavybrains: Trying to be good about updating and it helps keep the nerves down.
@kimmie: Still here. Enjoying your lovely photos of where you are. I bought Ben and Jerry's Smores ice cream yesterday because of one.
What a great Saturday update. You sound more hopeful! Are you "officially" matched yet or is that not part of your process? And as someone who went two weeks past her due date, tell Ms. Food Network to hang in there. I am so glad that my midwife made me be patient. I just thought of something--here in Oregon there is a network of Doulas who will attend a potential adoption for free and offer free post-partum support for the mom as she deals with the physical/emotional healing (I have some awesome Doula friends). I am not sure if this something doulas in lonestar offer, but as Ms. Food Network sounds like she is getting overwhelmed, it might be worth it to send her the link to the DONA website. The doula is a true neutral--just there to support her birth and recovery whether or not she places.
Posted by: wavybrains | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 10:31
Obsessively checking in for news, particularly hopeful for the awesome kind...but wait...did you say SMORES ice cream? I think I officially loathe lactose intolerance now. *sniffle*
On another note, I love the entire "baby naming" game, but I'm afraid that Inara, Pagan and Fox aren't exactly up your ally! How about their middle names - Louise, Eilene and Frederick?
Much luck, my friend!
Posted by: Milenka | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 11:43
Boy, I've been treating your blog like my fav soap opera these days! Not that I have a fav soap opera, but you get my drift... Glad you got the Flip! Oh and many train systems these days do have wi-fi, giggle... I mean get a grip! Hope you miss the in-laws... If you need an 'emergency excuse' you can always use yours truly as an excuse, I mean didn't I tell you that I'm having a party and you guys are invited, but the 'laws' aren't? Oh and you can fill in the blank for the day of the party, we're always open for vino and fun! LOL xoxx
Waiting, waiting, waiting...
Posted by: Francine | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 13:10
Feel I must improve the standard of my comments in order to be merited with an @!
Totally approve of the naming conditions, although some of them don't really apply to the UK so much as the 'aden' and made up name thing happen a lot less I think.
I wanted to call Junior Horatio but I was vetoed by everyone. Don't think it will work for you, either, but think it sounds quite fab with your last name so I offer it for what it's worth. Otherwise a lot of my fave names fell foul of the 'not in top 20' thing so I'll be intrigued to see what you end up with. Boys names are hard I think.
You sound incredibly well equipped and also v zen. Have you managed to bake something as therapy? Baking has been a big part of my preparation for baby arrival in both cases.
Very excited to be part of the posse waiting with you. All crossed as ever.
Posted by: Thalia | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 13:36
Waiting anxiously to see if you updated.... just like so many others across the planet... You could be here, with me cleaning out my garage, with a heat index somewhere in the neighborhood of 105 degrees.
I have no name suggestions, I think all my names, classic as they are, would fall in the top 20, which breaks your rules!
Posted by: jen | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 16:00
Damn I go off the deep end for a few weeks, and you go and get yourself a match!!! I am a little confused though, do you know the sex yet?? If so, I would love to know what it is, as I may have some things that you can have... well hell reguardless, I want to send you a card!!!
I am over the moon happy for you and the Mister!!! Hugs from NC!!!
Posted by: Rebel | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 18:35
Wow, I can't believe you guys are soooo close! It just must be painful to wait. I'm sure you are doing the right thing by staying back a bit...
On the baby gear - sorry I didn't write back. My projects at work took a turn for the worse and I had 2 days of H$#L.
I do think the pram sounds like a great idea - never heard of one with a bassinett. I guess it is like an old-style pram in that way. Makes sense!
I wouldn't get another sling for baby until you know if you'll like carrying one in a sling. I found it hurt my back (and it didn't seem to matter what the style of sling was).
I think you'll do fine, no matter if you take everything baby needs, or you take nothing. I always say, "have card, will travel". :)
Hope you get the call baby very, very soon!
Posted by: Nearlydawn | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 19:09
Still waiting with you and hoping for all the best things. Including maybe totally missing the inlaws trip.
Posted by: Michell | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 19:56
Far out this is soooo exciting!
I have a great girls 'A' name for you ... email?
Posted by: Sparkle | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 23:43
Don't check your blog for a couple months and am so amazed, incredible news!
And yes indeed, Francine (my old cycle buddy) is lovely in every way :-D
How about Henry? You can nickname it easily, if it's too nerdy for you, lol.
We have a Benjamin, but had Henry on a shortlist. What about Morgan?
Isn't this fun?
Fingers crossed for you, Millie.
Posted by: MollyMorgan | Sunday, 16 August 2009 at 07:14
I was wondering if there was an update here! Sounds like things are moving along nicely.
Lol about Hayden. That started the naming rules?
I absolutely love Emma and Sophia though, popularity be damned!
Posted by: Red Headed Momma | Sunday, 16 August 2009 at 17:19
Wishing for the best, praying and continuously checking for updates. Congrats on the FLIP. I so hope you will have news soon and get your fanny on the next train/plane/automobile to your baby.
P.S. Record/Video for the birthmom your home/nursery/kitchen as well as your doggies (be sure first to know if the birthmom likes doggies) - so she has a visual and this might help her as she will know where the baby is going. Just a thought.
Posted by: Aimee | Monday, 17 August 2009 at 00:16
Thinking of you! Hoping that no news= too busy for news :P
Posted by: wavybrains | Monday, 17 August 2009 at 01:21