So today seemed to go in slow motion. I slept in and skipped the gym (shhhhh, please don't tell on me). I suppose it's technically considered sleeping in because I didn't get up until 8:30 but I didn't get to sleep until after 3 so it's not like I was laying about all day.
We talked to Ms FoodNetwork before the mister went to work. She'd had some false labor last night but not too much else was going on. She has another appointment with her midwife tomorrow so we'll get an update after that. Her dad is convinced that tonight is the night because there's a strong Oaktown-TX connection (aka our hometown football team is hosting that TX team with the cheerleaders). It's funny because none of us are football fans but are looking for connections anywhere and everywhere at this point.
We also talked more about names. I thought I'd written about all my various rules for naming but that was back before the May Days of Drama as we like to call it around here.
I've said before I have a lot of parameters for names that I like. I'm sure none of you are surprised by that, if you've read me for very long (especially if you know me IRL). I'm posting my rules here in the spirit of fun, please don't take offense if your favorite names break all my rules. It just means there won't be an overlap between us and no one will get hurt feelings about losing out on a name they love.
So without further adieu here are Millie's Wacky Naming Rules:
- Must be a real name, not a made up name.
- Must not originate from taking various syllables of names and combining them. Most definitely not spelling anything backwards.
- Could be spelled backwards in the case of RedRum but that breaks the first rule so no RedRum.
- Must not be a nickname. Jack is a great nickname but is not a name. Same for Maggie.
- Must be easy to pronounce and spell by most Americans. As much as I love Scottish/Celtic names and/or Swedish names we live in the US and not Scotland or Sweden.
- Must go nicely with the last name which is my surname and very well known all around the world and very typically Scottish (or Irish according to my former team over there).
- Must be spelled normally (not some wacky spelling just to be "different").
- Must not be too popular. Can't be in Top 10 for US names and prefer that it's not top 20. So no Isabella, Madison, Sophia, Caitlyn, Emma, etc for girls and no Jacob, Ethan, etc for boys.
- Must not end in super trendy combinations (anything with -ella for girls and -aden for boys).
- Can not be a boy's name co-opted for use on a girl (although I loved it in some of my favorite tv shows like Sisters and Alias).
- Bonus points if it ties into one of our family names, even if it's just the first letter.
- First letters of important family members: A,J, M, W, N, H,C, I, E, S
- Bonus points if it's a somewhat classic/old fashioned name that isn't too old fashioned. Or too popular.
Luckily for me the mister nods his head and smiles. He seems to go along with it all.
Packing/Stuff Update to yesterday's post:
I do have a sling of my own (Hotsling in a fab pattern) and a Baby Bjorn from my next door neighbor and both are now packed! I meant to include them on the list but was clearly brain dead. I'm hoping to add additional baby wearing devices (moby, mei teis, etc) to my arsenal at some point.
I've got some tiny little hats and socks and mittens. Some kimono wrap shirts and some lap gowns. Pacifiers and a collection of little bottles. All the baby stuff is packed in packing cubes and stuffed into the pram which is now inside the body bag. Camera is recharged and ready to go. We don't have a camcorder (but perhaps it's time to upgrade my's so 12 months ago). So far so good!
I do need to pick up some gripe water and various ointments. The reading light is a great suggestion as well. I have a couple of baby books packed too. I need to charge my Sony Reader as well. I even bought a new summer wardrobe in under 14 minutes so I can survive the TX heat. Imagine my surprise, er utter shock, when the saleslady suggested medium. And they fit! I am hardly in danger of being the skinny bitch with the baby but I do have the second part down. ;)
Tune in tomorrow for another episode...
very excited with and for you!!
Posted by: beagle | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 05:17
Boy or girl names? I've got a couple of suggestions to toss into the ring.
Thinking of you guys and really hoping this is it!
Posted by: K | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 05:55
I like your naming rules! Very similar to our own, in fact.
It sounds like you've gotten things together, which is great! So excited and so very hopeful for you!
Posted by: Jen | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 06:01
OMG! I am just thrilled. How did I miss that this was happening. And no offense taken on the -aden thing. When we had Braeden, no one had that name. Now there's another one at school, albeit the other one is spelled pathologically kreatively. Bleh:P
Posted by: Bonnie | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 06:13
You'll like this website if you haven't found it:
You can put in all of your search parameters and it'll spit out the names that'll work!
Posted by: Carrie | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 06:29
Mortally offended here.
Breaking the nickname rule for son #1 -- though his birth certificate says Charles and not Charlie -- and cutting the "not in top 20" rule awwwwfully close for son #2
P.S. Our iron-clad rules were...
1. Has to be easy to spell when you hear it
2. Has to be easy to pronounce when you read it
3. Has to be instantly obvious whether the child is a boy or a girl
P.P.S. Now I'm trying to come up with a name that breaks ALL your rules.
Posted by: Julie | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 06:36
I am so excited for you! And 100% on board with the naming rules. Our list also included that the name could not be the same as anyone in the family (which we then broke) and whatever the name, baby would have my last name as a middle name. I loved playing with the baby name wizard as well.
Sending good vibes your way and waiting on spectacular news.
Posted by: K | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 08:46
Hoping that more great news is coming your way soon.
Posted by: Michell | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 09:02
Millie - not knowing the boy/girl question in addition to everything else is a nailbiter.
Well, I have to admit DH Sven often is called Seven or Swen but I still like his name....
Looking good - the situation, looking good - you in a medium - Congrats on all your hard work at the gym!
Posted by: Aimee | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 09:16
Trying to think of lots of mad Celtic/Swedish names just to be annoying hahaha! I am sure the kid will be super-cool whatever their name.
And a shopping spree in 14 mins??? Without me as your style consultant??? I don't believe it!!
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 14:04
not to change the subject - but how much weight have you lost?
sending hot texas baby thoughts your way.
Posted by: daisy mae | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 15:12
let me know if you want to borrow our digital camcord!
Posted by: amy shat | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 19:33
oh, and you already know my pick for a girls name. for a boy, how about names related to texas... like william (like williamson county),
Posted by: amy shat | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 19:36
whoa! you won't need gripewater yet. but do bring a swaddling blanket - cotton for the heat. diaper cream probably won't be necessary, as the early poops clean up nicely with water or plain wipes. do bring lots of wipes. lots. lotion for YOUR hands, but really baby skin is perfect. oh, and earplugs. maybe some bring soft towels for the train ride for clean ups (better than paper towels). but overall? you'll do fine. really you will.
Posted by: arsela | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 20:05
Hoping with everything I have for you! Update when you are able!
Posted by: wavybrains | Friday, 14 August 2009 at 22:30
Thinking of you two (and possibly three!!!) all the dang time! Will be glued to my reader for more updates!!! Sending much love!
Posted by: Kimmie | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 05:48
Longtime reader, but I don't think I've ever commented. Names are a favorite topic of mine though, so I'll toss a few in the ring. Your naming rules were very similar to ours (named our daughter Daphne - would have been Charles if she had been a boy). I think with initials you're trying to match, I'd go with Cora or Nora for a girl and Everett or Elliott for a boy. Hope things go smoothly for you this next week!
Posted by: Joy | Wednesday, 19 August 2009 at 20:38
Thanks for the update we hope more good news.
Posted by: baby bjorn | Monday, 09 January 2012 at 22:32