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Tuesday, 16 June 2009


Glad you all had a good time.

I'm am so jealous. If I'd had the means, I'd have loved to have dropped in on that fun fest. It sounds like you all had a terrific time, and I completely agree - it is quite possilby to have true friends through the internet. Absolutely possible.

Yay! And oh yes, absolutely true about internet friends - isn't it wonderful? I remember when Kimmer walked up my front steps - it was hard to believe that I hadn't met her before.

I hope she experienced an azteca burrito!

Lovely. Your mother-in-law? Wrong as usual.

I wrote a witty, pithy comment and then Typepad ate it! Feck!

Anyway, we're home, jetlagged to hell and now the Head Banger is in bed with some kind of flu. We had a blast and I am missing all you guys and Rockband too.

Your air mattress and lovely pillows will await your translatlantic visit...just kidding, there are a selection of beds in our house and one for the kid too ;)

Hello. Mr Pamplemousse here a.k.a. Head Banger (or Heed Banger as we'd say in Scotland).

I hope this isn't one of these things that happens once and then hangs around to haunt me for the rest of my life.

I said I liked cheesecake once.

I may have said I liked trifle once.

I banged my head ONCE!

Despite that, we had a great time. Thanks for putting us up. Thanks for putting up with us.

Sounds like a great visit! Glad you had a good time. Am hoping to hear more feel good posts here in the very near future. I am so disappointed that the last prospect didn't work out but I remain hopeful for you that it will happen soon.

Thinking of you.

Hey Millie - just checking in on you. Hope all is well.

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