Sorry to have been quiet for a bit. It's just been super busy around Chez Millie.
You've all heard that staycations are on the rise, right? No one has money to travel and looks for things to do close to home. Well, I think it's safe to say I had a little staycation of my own the last (nearly) three weeks. The Scots aka Pamplemousse and her mister (who deserves a name of his own so I will now refer to him as the Head Banger) came to town!
I could regale y'all with tales of all we did and saw from cheesy touristy things to fine dining in wine country but I'll leave that to Pamplemousse. She has a few more days off before she returns to work and I think that's plenty of time for a full "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" post. Don't you?
Instead I'll just say how much fun I we had with Pamp and the Head Banger and how good it was for our battered old souls as well. They were such good sports letting us drag them all over the bay area including our monthly adoption group and pub trivia. They were such great guests they even slept on our air mattress and crappy pillows without complaining.
The mister and I truly enjoyed showing them around our adopted state and just hanging out as well. It was so great to finally meet them and so strange to say that to them today when they left because it's like we've known them for many, many years.
As I sit in my all-too-quiet house eyeing the Rock Band guitar and microphone that are silent for the first time in days, I can't help but remember the discussion with my mil nearly two years ago when she was adamant that you can't have true friends through the internet. She is so very, very wrong.
Safe travels, Pamplemousse and Head Banger.