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Sunday, 12 April 2009


So glad the trip went well. I hope things continue to go well for all of you.

So happy for you! I have parts crossed!

WOW, it all sounds wonderful and intense and unpredictable. You guys sound like you are prepared for everything! I do hope things continue to go well.

I want to know about the bumps and then again I don't. I just want this one to work for you, M. Fingers crossed and I will look forward to more updates -- hopefully with minimal bumps.

Oy. I don't know how you handle all this, although I suppose nothing is ever definite.

Good luck.

well this sounds just fabulous. Of course not final and of course still up for breaking your heart but still very fabulous.

I'm so excited about all of this. Hoping for the best!

How great. And may it continue to be ! Very exciting news. Happy for you and the mister.


it's all so good! i'm so happy for everyone involved that you've connected like this, no matter what happens.

i will be just a drive away in the fall, so there to help in any way i can.


I am so thrilled. It sounds just wonderful. Excellent, my sister-friend. Please keep me/us posted.

This is just so heartening to read - am so happy for you... x

Finally, the update! I cannot wait to hear all about it in person!!!

Wow - sounds so great, can't wait to hear more details or plans or anything (and a girl! wooo hoooo!! Not that I'm getting excited or anything).

Quaint northern town, hmm...

I loved reading this post.

Thanks for sharing the update. I'm very happy that things are "so far so good". Hoping that they continue to be.

Holy cow, that's an awesome update. NHL sounds wonderful! I really hope that it works out just right for all three of you.

Wow- very exciting stuff. I hope this is the right decision for all of you and that come next summer, you have a beautiful little girl in your arms.

All I can say my friend is that I'm praying hard for you. I'll call/email soon... We are WAY overdue.

xoxox, your Oaktown friend

So pleased to read this update!

I am thrilled to hear that things went so well. I have everything crossed and saying prayer's too that things will work out the best way for all!

How wonderful to hear the trip went so well! I hope the good relationship you're developing with NHL continues for a long time to come.

so happy happy happy to hear to drop the Bean Town. just trying to help. . .we're not very nice to tourists around. . .

Yes - I'm a bit late to the party here. I've been sans laptop for a couple weeks.

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