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Wednesday, 18 February 2009


So lovely to hear what you have been up to. I was worried!! As we shiver here, enjoy what sunshine there is for me hahaha.

So are you coming to Boston or what? FWIW we hate yankees here - haha! Sounds you have a lot of good things going on - good news indeed.

Hope your trip goes well and that the info continues to come in on the NPL's with something good to come in the future.

Good luck with all your possibilities. Thanks so much for the update.

Oh man, I just got done with a 2 week visit from my parents and I feel your pain re: the in-law visit. I advise a lot of wine consumption, that's how I survived!

Great to hear an update from you, I was starting to get a little worried...

oooh...I have a good feeling about NHL...maybe it's because I'm Canadian and a hockey fan! Fingers crossed. Can't wait to hear more.

Fingers crossed for you, M, as always... : )

I'm glad there are leads, and I'm glad there are NPLs you like. It's grounds for hope. Still, I hope the ONE will come around soon.

Thinking of you!

LOL about your comments on Yankees in Fla. So true!

Ah good. An NPL who seems a better fit for you. Fingers very much crossed (and thumbs held)

Wow, so much going on. I hope one of these NPLs turns out to be your child's birth mother. Have fun in Boston. Hope next week in FL is bearable.

also saying and sending good vibes for a potential match in the 3rd trimester with her. thanks for keeping us up on what we do want to read along with how you are doing!!

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