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Tuesday, 27 January 2009


I'm thinking about you, M.

Oh Millie...I don't know what to say. It's so hard to know how these things will go. I am glad that the NPL is being supported and given resources, but she does sound like she is in denial. :-( I will be thinking about you guys!!!

oh this is so tough, but you sounds so calm in the midst of this. very admirable. what else can you do? glad you enjoyed your time in portland. and good to know OC is excelling there, supporting everyone in their time of need. thinking of you guys this week!

Excruciating. I'll keep holding thumbs...if not this NPL, then another NPL very soon. Oh, hell, just go down to Cape Town with me, I'm trying to talk myself into it...I could use a traveling companion. Doesn't that sound very Forster/James?

Well I've learnt to trust your gut feel, sweetie, so I'll just say I'm sorry it's leading you in this direction. When will a NPL show up where the fit is right and the match is good? you're doing an amazing job at staying calm and just keeping on going. I am v impressed.


I so love Portland and miss Powells books. I lived there for 6 years and it was one of my favorite places. I'm glad you had a good trip and got to see friends. I was so hoping for things to look fantastic with TNPL. I hope still that somehow things work out for you but if not I believe that something else will. Hang in there. Hugs to you.

Lordy you sound incredibly in control and what's that word...sane? How do you do that?!

what great discernment and insight you have into how tnpl may or may not be feeling and processing.
good on you for not "making it all about you".

I'm incredibly amazed and impressed with your ability to stay so calm and reasonable during such an emotional time. This kind of up and down would drive most of us lesser mortals around the bend.
Thinking of you and the Mister and hoping that soon, very soon, a NPL will see you both for the amazing parents you will be and entrust you with a very special little baby.

I'm always so impressed with your take on things. You and the mister have your hearts in the right place. Be well.

I'm so glad that you got to be (emphasis on *be*) with OC's other clients up there and especially as the weekend played out -- that kind of support is priceless.

I wish this was more straightforward for you guys, but you've done such a good job of communicating why it's all a part of the process. And man, I am in constant awe of the energy -- mental, emotional and physical -- that you two have. You continue to be an inspiration.

It's good to hear you feel well supported, and that you don't feel completely bulldozed by the situation. I don't know where you keep getting the energy.

Well, I certainly can understand why you have that feeling after your trip. But, I am still hoping that it will work out-but I know that if it doesn't-that eventually it will for you both!

I would have lost it if it were not for the support of the other couples in our agency that reached out to us in hard times. I wish I were close to offer a shoulder to lean on. This is hard, but I am glad you and the mister are there for each other. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers during this transition. Glad your OC is there for you too and for npl. uplifting thoughts from someone that understands your feelings.

I'm so sorry you continue to be on this rollercoaster. I think you are right about TNPL. Glad you really like your OC.

I love your positive outlook! We unfortunately had an expectant mother after she had given birth and saw how cute baby was. Like you our time will come!

Ditto what they all said...I am in awe of your composure and attitude.

Thinking of you guys..

So....did you ever hear anything back from either NPL or your consultant? Thinking of you!

Been thinking about you every day.

Thinking of you!

Just checking in with you!

still over here this side of the pond thinking about you and hoping you are doing ok. come back with some news any news needing a Millie pulse check.

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