It's still 2009, right? I'm sure anyone who still reads this must wonder what hole I've been hiding under.
I've started a post in my head at least 100 times in the past few weeks but just never got very far. One of my goals for the year is really to blog more but this isn't the most auspicious start.
Soooooo, where did we leave off? Oh that's right. Before the holidays.
Well the holidays came and went. The mister and I went over the river and through the woods (on a place) to grandmother's house (where my parents live now) for a short visit. There were presents and merriment. The first present I got is still my favorite (it's a visit in exactly 19 weeks from the amazing Pamplemousse!) but there were others that were nice too. We made it back home in time to celebrate New Year's with friends, games and bacon ice cream.
Yes, you read that right. I made this candied bacon ice cream by the fabulous David Lebovitz because our NYE hostess with the mostess is a huge bacon fan. I know it might not sound great but trust me: it rocked the loft. The new year came in on a champagne and bacon induced high.
We made it a full two days until the first dog fight of the year. It was awful. It was also entirely the mister's fault so he feels a great deal of guilt. I know we're making progress but it's just so draining. My poor pups were both sore for days. The mister and I were sad and overwhelmed for days. Suddenly the year didn't look so bright.
I've never liked January much as it seems to be full of bad memories for me. I tore two ligaments in my knee on the first ski run of the season fifteen years ago. The first ectopic pregnancy was over the MLK holiday weekend five years ago. Our failed donor cycle was about the same time three years ago.
I've tried to work on my attitude in the last few weeks. I've been hammering out a contract work gig at a local Big Pharma. It took more time to finalize the details than I would have liked but I start next week and am pretty excited about the gig.
The same day I was told for sure that I'd get the gig, I signed up for an intensive training/workout program for the next 11 weeks. I suppose part of it is New Year's resolutions but most of it is I want to get in much better shape this year and might as well use the time before we get a baby to focus on me. Once I got the contract I knew I could pay for the training program at my gym so I signed on the dotted line.
Oh and that same night? I got a call on our 800 number from an actual pregnant woman, not someone trying to pay their cable bill.* She had called our adoption consultant earlier in the day and really liked our profile. We talked for a little over an hour and it was one of the best conversations ever. She's just very lovely and incredibly articulate about what she wants in an adoption and for her daughter. We skipped the small talk and dove deep into much more important matters like our journey to open adoption; what our ideal match situation looked like now and in 5 years, 10 years, etc; why we chose our consultant and how we defined an "ethical adoption". She asked really tough questions that made for a great conversation.
I was so excited when I got off the phone I couldn't sit still! Thank goodness for facebook. Our consultant's assistant was online and we started chatting. She asked what we'd talked about and I told her. She asked what the baby's ethnicity was and I said I had no idea because we'd been talking about trust, openness and honesty and much more important things to me than ethnicity. She laughed and said that was what she loved about us and one of the reasons we'd make great parents.
To cap it all off this NPL is due FEBRUARY 2ND!!!!! And if you missed it, it's a GIRL!
I've been told time and time again that if I start moving forward with other things in my life that adoption would just fall into place. I still don't think I believe that. I do think I would love the problem of having to cancel my contract job or losing money for my exercise program because there was a baby. What an awesome "problem"!
There have been several other calls since that first call. The mister had a lovely and long conversation with her the following night. We've sent some information to her. She sent us a long email profile that she wrote for herself with a homework assignment that took most of last weekend (just another example of how seriously she is taking the process). We've talked a couple of times this week.
And we're flying up to meet her next weekend! We would prefer to fly her down so she can see our house and such but she's due on FEBRUARY 2!!!!!! so that's not just not possible. We're very excited to meet her. Honestly we're just excited to be moving forward and not feeling stuck.
We've gotten several other calls this week but none of them were good matches for us. It's nice to see the website hits and even nicer to get calls.
The process with this NPL is going well, it just feels good. The other ones did as well but in somewhat different ways.
So I guess you're all caught up! Not much going on here. ;) New job starts Monday. Working my ass off 5 days a week, 2 hours a day continues. Trip up north to a city I love to visit to meet a woman I think I'll like even more in person (Portland, by the way).
And I want to send a special shoutout to my friend Amie. She's in CAPE TOWN by now for her donor cycle. I'm so freakin' jealous. She gets to be in my very favorite city. See my favorite doctor. AND meet up with the gorgeous and divine asshole herself. Lucky girl. The mister and I are holding thumbs and sending much love to you and your mister across the miles.
What's new with the rest of you?
*Our 800 number used to belong to one of the very big cable companies and it's still in automated messages they leave for customers. I have called many times trying to get it resolved but I think I'll just get a credit card machine and start paying off some of my own bills. ;)
good to see you back here! sounds like things are going really well with NPL. looking fwd to your update! must be hard having her so close. but exciting!
those are some good questions she asked. when we got a similar assignment, it took the better part of two days to complete it...
Posted by: luna | Friday, 16 January 2009 at 18:56
I have secretly crossed a pair of toes. And you can't stop me! ;)
Posted by: Katrina | Friday, 16 January 2009 at 20:26
Happy New Year to you both! Sorry to hear about the dogs fight. I have crossed toes, fingers and legs for you both too, if it can be crossed-it is!
Posted by: Sharon | Friday, 16 January 2009 at 21:07
I'm crossing my fingers and saying prayers for you both. I hope you hear some good news on Jan 24th, it is a good day, my birthday!! :) Don't let anything get you down, if it is meant to be it will be. Good luck and good wishes to you.
I'm still trying and hanging in there but I am also having a good life with all of my nieces and nephews, plus my great nephew who was born 3 months premature at 2lbs 5oz. He has had a hard time of it but he is at 15lbs plus and loving being spoiled by his Aunt RoRo and Uncle James.
Posted by: M. Rose Turner | Friday, 16 January 2009 at 22:40
What incredibly exciting news for you and the Mister! I hope your visit to Portland is even better than your phone calls. Very sorry about the dog fight, but I hope things get better from this point forward.
Posted by: Sue | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 03:16
Oh, so wonderful to hear from you. I was so worried!!! Fingers and toes crossed for you and and prayers offered up as well. Lots of love and hugs from Australia xxxxx
Posted by: Sarah P | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 04:17
The happy just flew off the screen when I read this post. It hit me in the face and made me tear up a little.
2009, so far you're okay by me.
Posted by: Julie | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 04:21
Fanfuckingtastic, have all my bits crossed for you!!!
PS Bacon ice cream??? You americans have taken this bacon thing too far. WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END!
Posted by: Tertia | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 06:13
Happy New Year. So sorry about the dog fight. How discouraging. I hope the situation works out with NPL and you have a great trip to Portland. How exciting.
Posted by: Michell | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 06:59
Did you get my e-mail with the flight details??? It's on, baby!! 2009 is going to be the bomb but nix on that bacon ice-cream when we visit, mkay???
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 07:35
I've been crying since Tuesday... but right now, my tears are all for you and the mister.... I'm really excited and keeping everything crossed for you guys
Posted by: jen | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 08:50
Good luck with this NPL, Millie. I hope it works out for you guys.
Posted by: statia | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 11:56
Exciting!!!! Fingers crossed!
Posted by: Lut C. | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 12:50
Millie and Mister I'm so very very pleased to hear this news. Yaay for smart and lovely NPLs!
Posted by: thalia | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 14:41
Oh man, that night of bacon and champagne was simply glorious.
I wish you so well on your trip to Portland. And the NPL sounds like a wonderful young woman. (uh, when did i reach the age that i call somebody 'young woman')
Posted by: heather | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 14:53
So good to hear from you! Believe me I know the "I've started a post 100 times in my head."
NPL sounds very promising- I hope all goes well with her pregnancy and that she chooses you as the baby's parents.
Can I see the website? Just curious to see what a PAP website looks like, not sure if that's something you share commonly or not.
Posted by: Clover | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 17:21
I just posted myself for the first time in a month (other than 2 sentences around New Years, but nothing as momentous as your maybe news...I'm holding my breath and praying praying praying that all of this works out for you. I'll be checking and checking for further deets!
And yay for Amie - she's at one of my most favorite places in the world with one of two of my most fav docs - holding thumbs for her as well!!!
Posted by: roni | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 18:16
One of my very favorite friends just moved here from Portland, and I've heard such wonderful things about that city. I hope your trip is most fortuitous and that you do end up having to cancel those gigs you have planned. ;)
Posted by: Tonya | Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 22:22
Wow. February 2nd! So exciting! Groundhog Day sounds auspicious! Glad to see you posting, I'm one to talk. Going on a year over hear. Hundreds of posts in my head and nothing to write. Jealous of Amie AND you! I want to meet Pamplemousse, too (whine)...go to SA...(more whining). Also, our new phone number is the old # of a company that hasn't updated their website, and I get about 5 wrong numbers a day. I feel ya. Good luck tomorrow on the new job!
Posted by: Lynnette | Sunday, 18 January 2009 at 05:15
Wow, so the baby could come at any time now!!! SO excited to hear this update!
Posted by: louise | Sunday, 18 January 2009 at 06:21
Wow!! What a great update! How exciting about npl - I hope you had a great weekend and Pamplemousse too - wooo hooo!!!
Posted by: T | Sunday, 18 January 2009 at 10:19
YAYYYAYY from Portland.
We love it here & we hope that this is the beginning of a beautiful thing for you & the mister!!
Posted by: Susan in OR | Sunday, 18 January 2009 at 13:35
Happy New Year!
So glad to hear the good news!!
Posted by: Heather | Sunday, 18 January 2009 at 14:42
Okay, that update was well worth the wait. I hope all goes well with the match, everything crossed over here in NC.
Thinking of you guys.
Posted by: Kimmer | Sunday, 18 January 2009 at 18:09
Happy New Year, MM. And I mean it!
Posted by: Bea | Monday, 19 January 2009 at 03:20
such wonderful news...thinking of you guys!
Posted by: elana | Monday, 19 January 2009 at 11:37
Just when I was about to send out an SOS.... there you are. With great news. Fingers crossed and wishing the best.
Posted by: tracey | Monday, 19 January 2009 at 14:53
That is super exciting! And wow, just wow that NPL is so much on the same page as you. It is really inspiring to be in such a promising dialogue. And I love Portland so much. I know I could live there.
Posted by: Pocket | Wednesday, 21 January 2009 at 10:22
Happy New Year!
Exciting news, hope all goes well!!!!!!
Posted by: PBfish | Thursday, 22 January 2009 at 12:47