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Monday, 10 November 2008


I think 2009 is going to be fantabulous!

I hope that something can be done about the revocation of rights in CA and elsewhere. It really boils my blood and breaks my heart that folks can't just love whomever they want and express that with a marriage if they so choose. Separation of church and state, y'all!

Yeah. We had friends over on election night and our neighbors came running over with a bottle of champagne when FL went for Obama. Much champagne was imbibed and we were so ecstatic! Then we started to realize that prop 8 was going to pass. It's definitely dampened my Obama-enthusiasm. Especially when I think about how it must feel to know that slightly above a majority of your Californians don't wish you and your partner well. That thought gives me a lump in throat. I don't understand it, I don't understand who these people are who make it their life's work to keep other people from getting equal rights. How do they feel good about that? And call themselves Christians? That has got to be some SERIOUS cognitive dissonance, is all I've got to say...
But I'm thrilled, thrilled about Obama.
And I'm crossing my fingers that 2009 is your year. Nothing would make me happier than to read all about it. :)

hooray for change and hope! and three cheers for a new year already. the last few have just sucked!

I agree prop 8 is so disheartening. you're right on so many counts about why teh churches shouldn't have such influence in the political sphere... and I actually hope the lawsuit prevails.

glad to hear things are going so well with you guys and NPL. hope you can send an update after your meeting!

What an exciting and hopeful post! I must admit I was baffled by California's decision, but the election results were uplifting. And your last paragraph was even more uplifting!

Yay, so glad to read the update. Great news!

Hope is a wonderful thing, my friend. I am so thrilled at how things are going with you and the latest and best NPL.

Your goddaughter currently plans to be Elmo or Cookie (Monster) when she grows up.

The Prop 8 situation sucks the big one, but electing Mr. Obama is definitely what we need right now.

I agree 110% with you. I am SO looking forward to 2009, and to your ongoing good news!

Oh, I am so happy to hear that you are close to a match! Keeping my fingers crossed.

That was some election, huh? I am so sorry about Prop 8 but I think that the time will come, just like it did for a candidate like Obama! It has been a very difficult 8 years. I hope that the country has learned a thing or two. (I could go on, but I won't.)

Very, very excited, for you and for all of us


Dear Millie, I couldn't agree more with what you said -- about the happiness and relief and pride and then about the disappointment that California took this extraordinary step back.

It's fantastic to hear you so happy, and to have very realistic high hopes for 2009! May everything you wish for come true in January, and deliver nothing but happiness from there on in.

I can't remember the last time I felt this hopeful. I was so pleased by the results of the election (excluding Prop 8, which was unexpected). I hope 2009 will be a great new beginning for all of us... and I hope your potential match works out!

Let's go 2009! I agree wholeheartedly, even though I'm a lot less liberal than I was when I lived in SF (age??) - but still psyched that we were the first state to grant this right (and totally, totally amazed that this happened) and just recently had some great initiatives passed (and shot down).

Oh and I'm keeping my finger on that horror in AK, just in case she decides that she should ever get in touch with the rnc ever again (unless to return the clothes she never supposedly asked for, but apparently received, because oh! there she is in them! in recent interviews! how stupid!). He he!!

Oh but NC is blue - BLUE! Woo hoo!!

Well, my state went red, but really, that was expected. I truly was surprised to see that awful Act 1 pass... but the numbers were in favor early and they stayed that way the whole night. I just caught ME off guard because everyone I talked too voted against it... It must have been the rest of the freaking state that backasswards... not my forward thinking friends.

I was well and truly stunned when I found out Wednesday am that Prop 8 had passed.

Still twisted up like a pretzel with every possible part crossed for luck and good wishes with NPL...

Oh Millie, what a lovely post, particularly the last bit. I do hope that this baby arrives safely, and arrives in your life in time to watch that historic inauguration. (we might even get to share a birthday!)

Hey. I just got caught up. Congrats on the new NPL. I hope it works out for all of you

Prop 8 is too sad. We'll see what happens. From a legal standpoint, it's fascinating. But when you think about people who are worried that their marriages aren't valid now, it's heartbreaking. I can't even imagine.

Hang in there.

We're Blue, wohoo. First time since 1976(I think it was 76). Anyway what an exciting year for 2009, so hoping this all works out with the placement Millie. I can't wait until it's offical. I think I'll do backflips for you and I'm getting to old to backflip.

I too was so disappointed in the whole prop 8 thing. It's maddening to me how narrow minded people are.
Glad that things are moving along well in the adoption stuff. I'm hoping for you.

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