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Friday, 31 October 2008


That's such exciting news - thanks for the update!

I'm so happy for you! I hope you, the mister and TNPL will continue to have some good visits together.

so you're like MATCHED! I know anything can happen, but I am SO very excited and happy for you both. can't wait to hear more!

Yay! That sounds like it went pretty well. I hope that things continue to go well in the coming months.

I'm so excited for you. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Great news! I'm so glad you updated. I was wondering how it went. Have a great party!

Thank you for posting!!!!

I am doing a little happy dance for you!

Dear Millie, I had a real lump in my throat reading this. I am so, so, so hopeful for you.

this is so exciting...thinking good things for you guys!

Wow, that is so great! Glad it all went so well :)

So exciting, Millie! I hope you get to know each other very well.

me again (just commented on a prior post - still getting caught up). keeping everything crossed for you guys!


Millie and DH -

What a beautiful post full of hope and promise. May this journey to your child come to fruition in January. Is it a boy or a girl?


What wonderful news-I am keeping everything crossed for you guys. Sounds like she super interested if she remembered your profile like that. Also, do you mind if I see your site. I had asked earlier-though I know you don't know me-I would love to see it. Thanks.

Wow. I'd love to see 2009 be your year. Keep us posted...

OMG Goosebumps!!! I am going to be cautiously optimistic and keep the jumping up and down to a minimum, but PRAY that this is the one for you!!!!!

Great news! I am hoping this is it!

oh wow wow wow what great news i'll be crossing everything for you for the next few months to pass smoothly bring on January!!

That sounds really promising and exciting!!! Yay!

Awesome news.

Millie are y'all matched? Holly smoke, I take it as you are. OMG, this is wonderful news. I will be glued to your blog for updates!

I look like a pretzel over here.... Thinking great and wonderful thoughts for you and the mister....

oH millie I'm so pleased! Congratulations sweetie. I know no chickens or anything, but a good start.

Wow, Millie Mill--that is fantastic news.

Wow! Congratulations. I do hope all works out for the best for everyone involved. Do you know whether she is expecting a boy or a girl?

Super exciting news! WOW!!! Keep us posted :)

VERY exciting!! I hope it works out!

Oh man, that is a good update. Thinking of you all. Smooches.

eeeeeeeeeeee!... quietly and hopefully....I am almost excited!

Great news Millie - very exciting!

Millie, I got goosebumps when I read your post and saw that wonderful word "January"! (BTW, I would love to see your site if you are willing to share the URL.) SO HOPEFUL that TNPL is The One!

sweet update! I'll be sure to check in more often. I am such a bad blog reader lately, but so glad I checked here. I hated those pauses in our in person meetings too, but honestly it made me think of questions to keep asking for the next meeting. Good luck! keep us posted. plz?!

So exciting. I hope you have a terrific holiday season.


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