My project went live on Monday. So far, it's a big success. That feels great. Since Tuesday I've been able to leave work by 7 pm every night. That feels even better.
The last few weeks are seriously a blur of 12-18 hour work days. I've barely been home. The mister got sick (and you know how men get sick, right) and I was a horribly unsupportive wife. I slept on the couch and gingerly fed him tea and toast from across the room. I didn't have the luxury of any sick time (he stayed home three days, whining and moaning and playing video games) and had to avoid getting sick at all costs.
I did okay until Friday morning. I woke up sicker than sick but had to conduct an 8 hour training and work an additional 7 hours.
I spent the weekend in a feverish state: alternating between bad movies (The Assassination of Jesse James, anyone?), naps and hallucinations involving my Heels playing horribly. I mean HORRIBLY. That had to be a nightmare, right?
I'm finally getting my head back above water and having the tiniest bit of a real life. I don't have any adoption news but have emailed our consultant a couple of times and we hope to meet with her next week. There is a pile of laundry to do. I'm dreading getting our taxes done this weekend.
And I have a fun new project: a backyard makeover! I have the most fabulous person designing it: the amazing Wavery of Bindweed Heights. I hope she doesn't mind the mention. She is very talented and the mister and I are very lucky. I suppose I should go email her and tell her we're ready to move forward.
Back to life outside the cubicle. I do like it here.
Welcome back! Missed ya!
Posted by: Katrina | Friday, 11 April 2008 at 03:03
Glad you're back! The work schedule and the illness sound horrid . . . . now the garden redesign . . . that sounds nice.
Posted by: beagle | Friday, 11 April 2008 at 04:45
You're a much better wife than I am. The Meester gets sick so freaking often, that I've stopped babying him. Otherwise, he'd be like that 3 days out of the week.
Posted by: statia | Friday, 11 April 2008 at 10:35
Oh Wavery! How the heck is she? I miss her!
So sorry about the sick, although I am curious about how you fed Mr. Millie toast and tea from across the room. Did you fold the toast into little airplanes and toss it over? Did you Macgyver a really long straw for the tea? Knowing you, you could probably pull that off.
Posted by: Amyesq | Friday, 11 April 2008 at 12:19
so glad you're surfacing again. please give my best to wavery and her boy(s).
Posted by: thalia | Friday, 11 April 2008 at 13:16
Congrats on the successful launch!
Please say hi to Wavery from me.
Posted by: Lut C. | Saturday, 12 April 2008 at 12:31
So glad you are feeling better. Being sick sucks, esp. when you have to work, ack...
The Heels, double ack!!! I could hardly stomach the game.
Hope all goes well with the back yard project, we need before and after photos!
Congrats on the successful launch also.
Posted by: Kimmer | Saturday, 12 April 2008 at 17:47