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Wednesday, 16 April 2008


Hmmm . . . how about what kind of back up / support is there if your baby is born out of state?

Good Luck with the meeting!

It's wonderful that you are so close to your interview. I hope things go smoothly and quickly for you. I have missed your blogging. How about...If they find a match, how long do have to think about it? Daisy

Oh, I'm just thrilled for you!!! I wish you tons and tons of luck. How exciting!

Wow, that's great! Can't wait to hear how it went.

Back in the 1980's I had a boyfriend that introduced me to the joys of waiting to the last minute of paying taxes. We'd go to the main post office in downtown LA to enjoy the spectacle of the protesters.

Since then I've graduated to filing my extension on the last day and then holding out until October 15th to file.

Why do we prolong the torture?

Check into her financials to make sure she's honest financially. Ask for a reference list of people who used her througout the year and CALL ALL OF THEM! Check her out on adoptionagencyratings.com.

Woo hoo! Absolutely what Trace said about references, especially recent ones. I can't think of any questions to ask that you probably haven't thought of already, but it will be important to really listen to her choice of words when she answers your questions about her services to get a better idea of what her philosophy about adoption is, and how it will be to work with her.

Can't wait to hear how the meeting goes today! Good luck!

I would ask about:

1. what kinds of things you can do to improve your chances
2. What happens if a placement falls through.
3. How often do they fall through (might as well be aware)
4. I like the question about "out of state" - that can be tricky.

Hope all goes GREAT tomorrow!!!

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