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Wednesday, 20 February 2008


Sounds like a good weekend! And it's true, out of the darkness sometimes come true pearls. And the relationships we forge her are true pearls. Glad you are enjoying yours.

What a wonderful weekend! I can't wait to see photos over at Liana's.

What a fantastic trip, congratulations Ms. Godmother!

Sounds like it was a lovely time and ceremony!

Any girl would be thrilled to have you as a fairy godmother!

I have been following you for some time and I think you really have amazing spirit. I too tried to get pregnant and had POF so it was not going to happen. We adopted. I have the best, most wonderful kid in the world. I have been wanting to tell you something for a while and I am telling you cuz I have been there. Get the paperwork done, get it all done ASAP cuz the wait can be long. Focus and get it done so you can start the next step (waiting). Trust me, once you have your son or daughter you will not even remember the wait. I promise you. BUT you will not ever forget the pain either. But it dulls to the smallest part of your heart and you will thank god every day for what you have. I hope you are ok with me making this suggestion. I just want you to get to the good part :) Maggie

What a lucky little lady miss Z is to have YOU for a fairy godmother!

that's me ^

lucky Ms Z and what a wonderful wish. Let's hope very hard that all her internet aunties can help make it come true.

I second the wish for Miss Z :)

Sounds like you've had a most wonderful weekend, and indeed a most warm wish for your goddaughter.


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