<sarcasm>Ok, I think the new title of this post should be "How My Kitten Shut the Laptop Down and I Lost a Really Long, Incredibly Well-Written Post. Best Post Ever, Actually."
Thanks a lot, Pippi. </sarcasm>
I had planned on telling y'all all about my weekend which basically involved an incredibly long adoption group meeting on Saturday and an incredibly long meditation class on Sunday.
Here's a brief overview:
Lots and lots of people. Lots and lots of words and noise and chaos. More words. Kids running around playing. A few birthparents in attendance. Many birth grandparents present. Think of it as an "adoption constellation" not just a "triad". Some very happy stories and one incredibly moving one that had me bawling. Chocolate fountains and potluck casseroles. Fun new people including a very cool couple the mister and I talked to for a long time that I now have a huge crush on. Another friend said the couple sounded like the gay version of the mister and me (if true, we'd be incredibly cool and charming).
Not so many people. Not allowed to speak for six hours (and I survived!). Only food was fruit and fruit juices. Not sure we had anything in common with most of the people because they were much more new age-y (though it was all very Buddhist so I guess that makes it "old age-y"?) and wore kind of funny clothes. Long flowing natural fiber funny clothes. Very cool teachers with amazing smiles and lots of patience. Focus and count. Nothing nearly as interesting or entertaining as those great stories of getupgrrl and her nemesis at meditation class. But I wasn't allowed to speak. Perhaps I can get a nemesis at the Level 2 class? Focus and count. Working up to getting a mantra but so far all I've got is "breathe in peace, breathe out love."
Breathe in peace, breathe out love. That's actually pretty applicable to both classes.
I wanna hear more about the adoption group!
"Adoption constellation"...You'd better go trademark that asap! LOL. Love it!
Posted by: Louise | Tuesday, 29 January 2008 at 14:56
That is a PERFECT mantra! There is no way in hell I could have lasted that long without speaking, not to mention the menu items.
Much love to you and yours,
Posted by: Julianna | Tuesday, 29 January 2008 at 14:57
Both classes sound wonderful. Love "adoption constellation" -- such a perfect description, especially just having seen Juno this weekend. Looking forward to hearing more!
Posted by: Kay/Hanazono | Wednesday, 30 January 2008 at 11:43
Sounds like a very cool weekend. I had to laugh when I remembered getupgirl and her meditation class.
I second Louise, more adoption stuff, please!
Posted by: PBfish | Thursday, 31 January 2008 at 20:47