It has been one hell of a long week.
We had a house guest for a week until Friday morning. The mister's parents arrived at our house Friday evening. They leave tomorrow. Do you have any idea how ready I am to have my house all to ourselves? At least for a little bit.
Oh and of course on Friday morning just as we were trying to hurry up and complete a couple of chores and make the house all presentable-like for the folks, our youngest dog caught a squirrel. A full grown adult squirrel. Man oh man, she is FAST.
I made the mister take care of it. I'm such a wuss when it comes to dead or nearly dead animals, especially those put in that state by my dog.
Where was I? Oh, right the in-laws.
All that wanted to talk about all weekend was adoption. Now, I was ready for a bit of a talk (or two) but I had not planned on leading several seminars over the very long weekend. I should have known.
They were mostly nice. They have a lot to learn (and so do we). They are excited. I think there is more hope that we won't have to cut them off than I ever would have guessed.
Remember how surprised I was to get an appropriate email about adoption from my evil BIL? Well, he more than made up for it this weekend.
He simply can not stand to have the focus of attention on anyone else. He always finds some excuse to seek out attention from his parents when they are visiting. This time it was a whopper: he picked this weekend to leave wife #2 and twinset #2.
That's right folks, he's leaving yet another wife right about the time a set of twins turns 3. He's a bit ahead of the game this time (their birthday isn't for a couple of months) but I think I still win the pool. He typically leaves wives and/or fiances on his birthday so I picked that date last year. The mister figured these twins would be in preschool (and it would be right just after twinset #1 started driving) and the other brother picked kindergarten. Of course they had much more faith in him than I did.
So now he will have child support for 4 to cough up. It's really too bad his ego got in the way back when he first heard about TESE. I guess he plumb forgot why he got that pesky vasectomy along with the divorce?
I do feel bad for my (formerly) evil SIL. The in-laws have started the campaign of misinformation. They are blaming her entirely. She has been known to get a bit angry and confrontational. Of course he has multiple copies of family gene for passive-aggression but that can't possibly be a factor, can it? How silly for me to point out that both parties were responsible for this situation.
In all honesty I do feel bad for my SIL and the kids. The marriage never stood a chance. I don't think it's possible for two narcissists to make it last, it was just a matter of time. Now there are two more innocent kids who will be severely impacted. It's really, really sad.
i'm glad you are in-law-free! that's unbelievable about BIL (well, believable for you, i guess!) i can't imagine.
Posted by: elana | Tuesday, 22 January 2008 at 05:04
Goooood lord, he sounds like a real winner. Poor little kids.
Posted by: Katrina | Tuesday, 22 January 2008 at 06:03
At least your in-laws made an effort to ask questions, even if it was on overload. The advantage is that their questions will be like so many you will be asked over the next months, and even after all of the waiting.
The EBIL? I really don't even know what to say about him except really hope in his case that karma is a bitch.
Posted by: DD | Tuesday, 22 January 2008 at 06:45
Your BIL is such a wanker. I feel bad for the kids.
Posted by: chris | Tuesday, 22 January 2008 at 07:13
Glad you survived the long weekend! Would love to know more about the questions your in-laws had.
I am sorry to hear about the break-up of yet another BIL marriage. Too sad for the kids.
Posted by: Louise | Tuesday, 22 January 2008 at 08:55
Wanker indeed.
Posted by: Orodemniades | Tuesday, 22 January 2008 at 09:58
yuck, sorry to hear about your BIL. SOunds like your PsIL were a lot less toxic than usual, though?
Posted by: thalia | Tuesday, 22 January 2008 at 13:04
Dear Millie, I'm glad the in-laws asked so many questions -- it really sounds positive, although I'm sure it was a bit too much all at once...
And your BIL sounds like a real piece of work. What a class-A jerk.
Posted by: Kath | Wednesday, 23 January 2008 at 01:27
That's great that the inlaws are excited! I think that will really make a difference in how much they can absorb from the book. And I can totally relate about the squirrel -- we've had similar dog moments at inopportune times...
Posted by: Kay/Hanazono | Wednesday, 23 January 2008 at 06:27
"I don't think it's possible for two narcissists to make it last, it was just a matter of time."
This makes me laugh. I keep thinking that 2 negatives equals a positive, but alas, I think that only works with integers.
Posted by: Jenna | Wednesday, 23 January 2008 at 15:57
I just love the misinformation campaigns that start up around these things. Hope things aren't too hard on the kids.
Posted by: Bea | Thursday, 24 January 2008 at 03:37
Your BIL sounds like an ass. Hope all is well besides having to give seminars!
Posted by: Kimmer | Saturday, 26 January 2008 at 04:06
How unfair that he even gets to walk out of a second family.
Posted by: Lut C. | Sunday, 27 January 2008 at 12:45