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Thursday, 06 December 2007


Sounds like a busy but fun time ahead. No more Perky is such a good thing!

Hey - email me with your dates - I'm going to be in the garden state around the holidays, and if we don't connect that way I may be able to meet you in the big city. Would LOVE to see you!!!!!

Glad that the shot was easier - may you have many painless shots for many months to come, if you know what I mean!

You sound busy, and happy, a good combination! :-)

I only work 5 hours a day, too, max. The other few hours I'm at work, I blog.

I consider it exra benefits.

This all sounds very promising. I'm wishing you much luck this time around!!!

Very good news about Dr. Local! Hope tonight's shot goes well, too :)

About five hours work a day sounds ideal...sigh...if only I could!


jeesh - i couldn't accomplish all the things on your "to do" list in your allotted time - and i don't even work!

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