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Tuesday, 04 December 2007


Ow... pics of the upholstery, please. :o)

Yes, pictures of the chairs please, lol. I always mess my account for work up if I try to balance things after a couple of drinks also, too funny.

Wishing you tons of success with this cycle. Everything there is to cross over here.
Good luck Millie.

I want to see the chairs too! See I think that shots when you are drunk are the best ones cause you can't feel them....or maybe I was just way way too drunk.

I vote to see chairs as well! (aren't we all very demanding?)

Ouch,I can just imagine how much that hurt. Poor old Mr millie. And you too, of course!

Um, ouch!

Oh dear. Hoping the rest of the shots are less painful...


I would also like to see some pix of the upholstery! You make me look bad! :-)

Ouch. Pictures of chairs?

At least the alcohol was there to somewhat dull the pain? At all? I do hope the next one hurts less. I think your advice is all very sound.


With all that alcohol in you, there was no need to swab first. Saves at least 30 sec :-)

oooh, mercury glass. I collect that too. Hope you feel better :)

hey you...

i like to drink, and i know how to give shots while drunk. you give me a call anytime my friend!

i'll be checking in on you. would love to see the chairs too.

how are your pooches?


Yeouch! Glad you are in full swing on the cycle, and I hope your hip survives the target practice. ;)

happy anniversary!

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