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Monday, 26 November 2007


That great news (and a nice foodie line up too!)

Things to not read when you're hungry:

1. This blog post

Citrus Salad with Mint Sugar and Pomegranate Seeds?! Recipes please!

What a great tradition.

I'm glad everything got straightened out - and then there was feasting afterwards!

Mmmmmmmm...french toast casserole and mimosas...

I missed all the drama but am glad that it was all sorted out.

But where are the recipes? That prosciutto goat cheese strata is right up my alley.

I soo want the recipe for the french toast casserole. Sounds like fun!!

Ok. I may steal that menu for my Christmas brunch...glad your holiday was cozy. Mine sucked as usual (a post is coming) and I blame the you know whos. On to the next one...

Mmmm... french toast casserole. So glad it was all fun :)

yeah, what piquant molly said! i'm so hoooooongry!

you forgot one other good thing about brunchy-entertaining -- you can appreciate how clean the house is for the whole rest of the day!

glad you guys had such a good turkey day.

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