It's over. There's not a lot to tell. I could complain about all the waiting around and the need to register again even though I preregistered on the phone. But how possibly boring could I be?
Vic came in handy. There was a fair amount of pain and cramping, even with Vic. The mister was glad he came along and feels fairly sure that his hand will recover in a couple of weeks. He's got another one and frankly if all he had to deal with was me squeezing his hand, I'd say he got off easy, wouldn't you?
Glinda the good nurse was good indeed. She was warm and compassionate and had the coolest green paisley scrubs I've ever seen. She also had spiffy green striped glasses and it made me think of my first surgeon, she of the purple glasses. Perhaps spiffy glasses are a requirement at the hospital?
Glinda is also one of us. She lost her tubes to two ectopic pregnancies. Then went on to have two more ectopics, sans tubes. After that she finally tried IVF and now has 13 year old triplets. All girls. Can you imagine the movie 13 in triplicate? I can't.
So I'm going to focus on her success with ivf and ignore those last two ectopics. Glinda even said I could.
I'm also trying to ignore the longer bits of fallopian tube that were on one side than I'd been led to believe. Dr Gemstone should get the results soon and we'll see what she recommends. I'm hoping she'll just use the info to determine placement for transfer and not some other surgery.
On to the better part of the post.
Today I'm thrilled to bring you a greeting from another one of us. Ms Emily of Scrambled Eggs was in quite the Halloween spirit this year. Her husband decided to use a motif he sees all the time: that bio hazard icon found on the sharp's container. Another friend of hers gave it the title "Spawn Stay Away" and that seems very apropos. A flashlight inside gives it the extra glowy feeling.
Emily had some of her own fun in the stirrups today and is now paying for it. We're comparing painkillers and I think I'm wining that one. She's a ton tougher than I but I'm sure she could use any extra "cramps be gone" thoughts that might be floating around in your head.
I love meeting new people who "get it". How cool is your nurse to match her scrubs to her eyeglasses anyway???!
Sorry it's more than a "pinch" and I hope both you and Emily recover quickly.
Posted by: DD | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 15:54
I'm glad you made it through the hsg with the help of your mister.
Glinda sounds like a dear. I want to give her a hug, too! :-)
Posted by: Louise | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 16:07
It reminds me of the triple Goddess. I had never noticed and I have 87 of the things lying around the house!
Nothing like narcotics among friends I say, isn't it nice when you get 'one of us'?
Posted by: T | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 16:07
It's never easy, but it's never dull either, eh?
Posted by: beagle | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 16:22
Raising a glass to Vic. Um, it IS okay to drink while taking narcotics, right?
Glad it wasn't too bad. And, hey, nice to hear news of Emily — thanks.
Posted by: Julie | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 17:01
I'm thinking about you two today -- please Vic, step it up!
Big kisses to you, the mister and Emily!
Posted by: Anna H. | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 17:35
Whoops - I suppose it's too late to say "good luck for the hsg!". I'm, er, glad it went well. Hope the doc says nice and reassuring things.
Posted by: Bea | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 18:36
Love that pumpkin and always love and miss Emily.
Posted by: thalia | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 20:56
Good that it's done. Rest well now.
Posted by: pixi | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 21:23
Whew, I'm glad you were accompanied by two gentleman when you needed them. And how cool is that nurse! Funny the places we find like souls, eh?
Posted by: Tonya | Tuesday, 06 November 2007 at 21:51
She does sound lovely, too lovely almost, where can I find one of those around these parts I wonder?
Take care now and take it easy too :)
Posted by: Artblog | Wednesday, 07 November 2007 at 04:40
I so would have loved your nurse, being a fellow ectopic queen...
Glad you made it through the hsg, and VIC is my best friend at times like that.
Posted by: Kimmer | Thursday, 08 November 2007 at 04:01