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Tuesday, 03 July 2007


Yay!!! It's almost Millie time!

I know I'm late, but I'm really sorry you didn't get a bfp. Was really hoping.
We won't see those iPhones over hear till sometime next year ...!

The best place to be...well, next to South Carolina that is. :) Enjoy!

Travel well...


You know, I heard that song last week and I thought of you! Barf!!! ;)

Bon voyage and make sure you have a blast, sweetie.

I can't believe you are jetting off, with new gadget in tow, so soon after last week. You are incredibly strong, even if you think its just stubborness.

glad you are getting away. i blogged about you---mostly about how you inspired me to go buy a new toy too. guess we have to move along somehow eh?
hugs to you

Have a wonderful trip! Sad that you won't have a longer layover in my town :-)

Hope you are enjoying your trip, it's quite beautiful in these parts today!

I'm jealous over your new gadget also...

Have a great trip, hope you can unwind and relax... and get lots of playtime on your new gadget!

Enjoy my friend!!


Millie, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the BFN...I just realized I never commented, I guess I was a little in shock or something. I know how much effort the whole thing took. I hope you have a great trip and it helps take your mind off things. I hope adoption is the means to make your dreams come true. Can't wait to read about it.

or the words I always sing....

ain't it just like a friend of mine
to take me from behind
and i'm gone to your vagina in my mind

East coastin' - woo hoo! Have a great time - can't wait to read all about it.

Ooohh..are you still here by any chance. I'm so sorry I missed the get together on the 8th. I've been itching to take a look-see at one of them iphones ;-)

psssst.... hey M, it's me coloratura... me have new blog now. come have a looky sometime... hope you are having fun where you are and finding hope... somewhere...

We have been having a James Taylor renaissance at our house. Which sounds a little sad now that I see it in writing. But good travels.

Have a safe trip and enjoy your new gadget... I realized late that I did not comment on the bfn... I'm sorry. It sucks. I love James Taylor and hope that your trip to Carolina is a beautiful thing.

Where are you?! Come post soon!

yeah, what she said. I'm worried that you haven't posted in so long!

Have a great trip!

Okay, I've checked back so many times I'm starting to feel like a stalker. :-)

I hope you are having a good time wherever it is that you've escaped to!

just checking in on you!

hey there. hope you are just having a super duper relaxing time in carolina, and that your lack of blog entries means that you aren't stressing and dwelling on any of this baby making stuff.

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