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Monday, 19 March 2007


What a nuisance, it's hard to have a plan, then not be able to stick with it.
Will check out the post.

Well, shit. Sorry to hear things are going to be delayed with your transfer.

Also, I was sorry to hear about T and didn't realize what had happened until this morning. It sucks to feel as if someone is kicking you when you are already down.

I am annoyed to hear about your transfer delay! Boo! And boo on your physical delay too! I don't know what your agency policies are re: physicals, but I could go to any ol' doc in the box for mine...Surprisingly, my GYN was able to slip me in rather quickly, and my husband went one day after I called to make him an appointment.

Re: Mean Girls...I have been unaware of any ugliness online...I hope the mean girls go away! ;-( I really really miss Karen of the Naked Ovary and would love to know how Miss Maya is doing, if anyone knows...I hope the ugliness doesn't force other bloggers to go pwd protected.

Delay, delay, YUCK!

Mean girls, double YUCK!

I'm sorry about your delay - ggrr!

And yes, gggrrr on mean girls - that really annoys me. I loved your post though - very eloquent. I was so happy for and then sad for Tertia. Were people making fun of her? People suck.

Sorry about your thyroid. But stay away from the yellow board puleeze!!! Someone over there gives me a headache every time I log on.

I agree! Stay away from the board the colour of pee!!!

Delays suck but you want it to work, right??

Dear Millie, I've just gotten caught up after a mini-vacation, and I'm so sorry about the delay. That must be so difficult, after all the waiting you've already done. I hope your thyroid sorts itself out soon, and your TSH levels next time are perfect.

Congratulations on the home study -- it sounded great!

As for the conflict you mentioned, I haven't heard anything about it. Will go check it out now, though your commenters are making me think my visit won't be long...

I'm catching up here.

So sorry about the delay :(

The post you wrote about Tertia was beautiful and moving. I've had the IVF Barbia email sent to me and put it in my own blog I thought it was so brilliant.

In the spirit of your post, please know that although I may be a peripheral, I am truly honored you invited me to read your journal and I am always thinking warm thoughts for you from down south.

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