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Monday, 05 February 2007


Well, well, well ... you can just never tell how a Monday is going to go can you?
Fantastic news ... cautiously optimistic with you.

Hmmmmm, suddenly have some cravings for Diet Coke, and the desire jump over the moon.

Lovely, lovely news on the donor embies. So thrilled to finally have a little movement over there.

i'm so freakin hopeful for you guys. doing a little jig right now!

For a monday that's very good news. I'm cautiously optimistic right along with you.

Great news, Millie! I am so hopeful for you.

I think Mondays have gotten a very bad rap...

Good Monday stuff! You know I have all parts that will cross, crossed for ya!

No worries, husband & I also say moo :). Best of luck with this!

A million years ago, on Friends, Joey thought 'moot' was 'moo,' using the awesome logic that it's like asking a cow its opinion: it's Mooooo.

I am excited to hear about this latest turn of events!

Doing a little jig of my own here in my office at work :-)

Interesting. I thought the donors had pulled out already. This is a pleasant surprise, though nothing is definitive yet.

That's good!

Wow! What a lovely, unexpected turn of events.


Well, that is a surprise!

Just when you thought it was all pretty much fallen apart, too.


interesting! being cautiously optimistic for you. oh, and my mister and i also say things are moo. funny.

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