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Wednesday, 31 January 2007


That is wonderful!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

Yay!! Doesn't it feel good to turn it in! Hop aboard the A Train!

My husband has yet to START his self-study. I just may kill him.

Also- for some odd reason, we have discovered that my MIL has a copy of my husband's birth certificate!

Ha ha ha! No such luck! I just sent you an email. I've been sick and going to bed ridiculously early! And then I wake up at 3 am. Oy vey. In any case, of course! I will try and call you this afternoon. I have just not been up for talking, since I sound like hell, but I'm sure you will forgive me.

Congratulations!! This is really, really wonderful news.

I'm figuring on doing my hubby's autob. for him or it will never get done. I am stuck on the references. I've just realized with a jolt that we have no, that is zero, non-relatives that know both of us AND have seen us relate to kids. Now that's not the exact criteria the agnecy is asking for, but I think it would help if someone, anyone, could say they've actually seen us within 10 feet of a small person.

The thing is, infertiles avoid babies, (OK, maybe it's only me) we don't make playdates with toddlers. The only kids I've played with in the last four years are related to me. And I usually cried on the way home from those visits, fun as they were they were painful too.

Shit, I haven't even started the application and already feel like I'm hitting a roadblock!

Can nothing be easy?

Congrats on getting yours done. HUGE. I am IMPRESSED!

Fantastic news!
I didn't blog about it - but Mr. S and I did the same thing last year ...

You are gonna be riding that train, sweetie!

Ooh! Stacks of paper AND stacks of meds! Doesn't it make your head spin?

YEAH!!!!! Congrats on finishing one of the biggest steps.

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