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Saturday, 20 January 2007


Really? You're really taking a course in marmalade? I LOVE marmalade...like to the point of eating it out of the jar. Who needs bread when you have a spoon. Oh! Yummy yummy yum yum.

What's up with my town, we are still in the 80's or something, I got the crappy black ink. Yeah for fingerprints!

Didn't I tell you that Dreamgirls rocked? Or at least Jennifer Hudson did at least.

So thrilled that fingerprinting went well, and that your marmalade moment is coming up quickly.

hey you...
long time no talk. i have been thinking about you a lot. i guess i will be calling you "lady marmalade" now!

so you guys got fingerprinted? how official! drop me a line and let me know how you all are doing when you feel like it.

we lost one of our doggies to "bloat" in Sept :-( . i wish my vet would have informed me about that since she was such a prime candidate. did yours fully recover from that pet food incident so long ago?

xx your old friend t

Happy Adoption Application Celebration (even if you do take an extra day or two)!

Mmmmmm, marmalade.

What a great way to celebrate the completion of your application. I briefly attended an IF support group that met at a restaurant and I am sure the surrounding tables got an earful about ovaries and SA's! (Serves them right for eavesdropping!)

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