Well, our lives of crime are over before they got started.* The mister and I had our fingerprint appointment on Thursday. We were both impressed with how cool the technology is and how clean our fingers stayed. All digital, baby.
I planned to see Amie on Friday and celebrate turning in our adoption application. We decided on lunch and a movie (well, I decided on both but Amie is very agreeable and went along with both).
The only hitch was the mister decided he needed a bit more time on his questions. Fair enough. I'm sure one day won't make a difference. I kept my celebration appointment though.
We had a nice long chat and got all caught up. Amie is doing ok after her recent loss. She's trying to figure out next steps. We all know how hard that can be.
We talk about anything and everything when we get together so I'm sure the folks around us get an earful. We heard a fairly disturbing tale from the guy sitting next to us in the restaurant. His friends are pursuing domestic adoption and there was a potential match that didn't work out. It sounded more like a bad tv movie than anything I've heard regarding adoption. The "lawyer" and other folks they were working with wanted more than 70k. It just sounded sleazy. I hope they find a reputable agency and a good match.
You can probably guess what movie we saw from the title of this post: Dreamgirls. Oh. my. god. That Jennifer Hudson can SING. She was amazing. Truly amazing. I cried a lot. I'm a crier and there is much to cry about in Dreamgirls, both happy and sad. I do feel a bit sorry for Beyonce because she's ok but the comparison is pretty brutal. Now y'all know I love me some musicals and musical adaptations but this is one of the best in recent history. I'm sure Ms Diana R is none too pleased this is doing so well but it's FAB.
We saw a 1 pm matinee. The mister asked if there were any men in attendance. Hm, let's see, a movie based on a hit musical with great songs and incredibly fun clothes? Showing in San Francisco? Of course there were men at our showing. They guys on our row cried all most as much as I did. They also knew the songs much better than I did.
Up next: Initial Girl and Sandal Boy come to town for a quick visit and Miss Millie takes a marmalade class. Irregular infertility program to resume next week.
*Actually this just means we have to create some high tech fake fingerprints or something like that. We probably would have done that anyway if we decided to bring to life To Catch a Thief or The Italian Job or something.
Really? You're really taking a course in marmalade? I LOVE marmalade...like to the point of eating it out of the jar. Who needs bread when you have a spoon. Oh! Yummy yummy yum yum.
Posted by: Suz | Saturday, 20 January 2007 at 17:47
What's up with my town, we are still in the 80's or something, I got the crappy black ink. Yeah for fingerprints!
Posted by: KIMMER | Saturday, 20 January 2007 at 20:50
Didn't I tell you that Dreamgirls rocked? Or at least Jennifer Hudson did at least.
So thrilled that fingerprinting went well, and that your marmalade moment is coming up quickly.
Posted by: Bebe | Sunday, 21 January 2007 at 17:43
hey you...
long time no talk. i have been thinking about you a lot. i guess i will be calling you "lady marmalade" now!
so you guys got fingerprinted? how official! drop me a line and let me know how you all are doing when you feel like it.
we lost one of our doggies to "bloat" in Sept :-( . i wish my vet would have informed me about that since she was such a prime candidate. did yours fully recover from that pet food incident so long ago?
xx your old friend t
Posted by: crispy creme | Tuesday, 23 January 2007 at 10:06
Happy Adoption Application Celebration (even if you do take an extra day or two)!
Mmmmmm, marmalade.
Posted by: jan1902 | Tuesday, 23 January 2007 at 14:29
What a great way to celebrate the completion of your application. I briefly attended an IF support group that met at a restaurant and I am sure the surrounding tables got an earful about ovaries and SA's! (Serves them right for eavesdropping!)
Posted by: beagle | Tuesday, 23 January 2007 at 15:15