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Tuesday, 12 December 2006


Well you know I am going to be in "Millie-withdrawal" now.

So excited about your trip and your moving on to the next cool job though, so maybe I'll be able to live through this. ;o)

Have a wonderful time on vacation!


I have to admit that this upcoming soltice is my favorite day of the year: it may be the shortest/darkest day of the year, but it also holds the promise of spring.

I'm finding it hard to see any light right now, but I'm glad you're able to find just a pinch.

Have a wonderful break, sweetie, we will miss you.

"I really do think 2007 will be a much better year."

Your lips to Gd's ear! (Does Gd even HAVE ears?)

I'm just happy that things are ending well for you at the job, and that you have the anticipation of such a wonderful trip.

I wish you love, happiness, and most of all a successful 2007 in anything and everything you endeavor.

Lotsa love and an early Happy New Year,

Have a wonderful trip with your husband and enjoy each other. I wish for your holidays to be filled with lightness and laughter.

If you are not in a better place by this time next year, then there really is no justice in this world.

Love you,

here's to 2007!

Sometimes reflection can be therapeutic. I look back on our ART journey and we are not where I thought we would be at this point, but I know I have changed and grown as a person. I also know how often I would cry before and now as I was leaving the hospital from another lap today I said to my husband while chuckling that we are getting to be pros at this. I guess a lot of the fear is gone.

So, you area pastry chef? I am SO jealous - that is my dream. I think I can bake but at times I am still frusterated. Was it you that I was supposed to share my fabulously and laboriuosly created croissant recipe with? IF so please remind me and I wll get it to you - I can always send a copy with the Christmas card exchange. I would love to have you try it and offer your sugegstions on how to modify it or hear from you if you havea recipe of your own. If you need a distraction some time and want to talk about things other than IF (like baking) I am always available.

Here's to 2007 - at some point things can only get better, right?

"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in"

Have a great holiday. Looking forward to your return and a happy 2007 for all of us.

Have a fantastic vacation. You really deserve it. And please be proud of the great job you've done over the past months.

And then come back, because we'll miss you!

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