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Wednesday, 06 December 2006


I think this is similar to the two-day seminar Mr. S and I did. The course is a prerequisite for anyone pursuing either Int. or Local Adoption.

We made alot of the same observations - and of course we weren't the early to arrive people either!

There were alot of old-school elements to it - but I wonder if we find that because these days we've all been through so much 'new-school' stuff with IVF etc.?

We made connections with people then and are still in touch now - most on the same donor-egg journey as us.

It was definitely one of the most rewarding things we've done.

It sounds like it went well - and I'm glad. But meeting people, like face to face? That's insane! I mean, all you need is a computer....right? Right?

And yes, I loved reading the Kid.

Can't wait to hear abt class#2!

Sounds good although I don't understand the gay couple and their names?? Lost in translation, I think.

Mmm, sitting at home in PJs...my all time fave.

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