Give 'em hell, Sandy! Let's hear it for my current favorite spunky actress, Ms Congeniality herself. The press might feel differently today but I totally love her. When someone asked her at a premiere of Infamous, for probably the thousandth time in recent history, if she was expecting she gave them a piece of her mind.
She got right into the reporter's face, pointed and said: “Oh my god that is just a disgusting question. And you know what? What if I couldn't have kids? You know what? That’s the way you make women feel when you ask them that question."
We're with you, sister. We might boycott that other Southern actress who says she's just 'an overachiever' and 'twins run' in her family. But I will pay money to see every movie you are in from now until the end of time. Even if Keanu has a speaking role.
Amen Sister Sandy!
And Millie, yeah, what you say about Keanu and the speaking roles. My all time favorite Keanu line has to be: "I love you Victoria but I'm not free." Point Break is another matter, however. He's much more believable as a stiff FBI Agent. And the waves are hot.
Posted by: mellie | Thursday, 12 October 2006 at 23:31
Wow. My opinion of Sandra Bullock just rose a thousand and one points.
I'm VERY impressed. Well said Sandra Bullock!! If only more celebrities responded like that! (or were even honest about their own pregnancies, for that matter, because I am tired of hearing celebrities lie about their donor egg pregnancies.)
Anyway, that is awesome -- go Sandra! I will definitely support her movies from now on as well.
Posted by: 'Nilla @ Vanilla Dreams | Thursday, 12 October 2006 at 23:52
That was the most perfect thing that she could say to that reporter. She SO rocks!!
Posted by: linda | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 02:23
Way to go, Sandy!
Posted by: Bonnie | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 03:36
I've never understood how so many people don't find that question unspeakably rude. I was first asked this at the ripe old age of 23. I'd just graduated, married, and moved to the UK yet despite all of these major life events, some people just wanted to know when I was going to spawn. Crazy. Well done Sandra.
Posted by: MsPrufrock | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 04:19
We heart Sandy!!!
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 04:55
Go Sandy, go!!! She's got my support.
Posted by: Suz | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 05:32
Another thing, I'm so sick of also is the freakin bump alert, lord forbid a star might have eaten a little too much and their gut is protruding, or they have the bloat from PMS, gasp, they’re pregnant... And so it’s announced so and so has a bump. GIVE it a REST people. I would be pregnant in the paparazzi's eyes every month with the looks of my gut!
Yeah for Sandy speaking out!
Posted by: KIMMER | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 05:43 must have been the thousandth time she was asked. Earlier? I guess, on the red carpet, when an ET reporter asked if she was planning on having kids, she said something like "Our family is just right the way it is." I saw that part on ET, and still thought WTF? why don't they leave the poor woman alone?
Posted by: Lynnette | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 06:33
Good for her.
I wish that was the 11th commandment: Thou Shalt Not Ask A Woman About Her Reproductive Choices
Posted by: PBfish | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 08:48
I'm still hoping to run into her in town, and when I do, I'll be thanking her.
(Have run into her old paramour stinky mcsticky cmconaughey way too many times.)
Posted by: zhl | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 11:38
Hahah on the Keanu bit. But yeah, I read this too and I was like, "girlfriend let me buy you a martini and give you a big fat hug." Because a-frickin-men.
Posted by: statia | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 12:35
It's interesting isn't it, I have never been a fan of hers (stupid movie choices), but now I am.
I do think that making a defensive statement like that is ringing the IF bells. I have 'learnt' over the years how to deal with that kind of question without going spaz, I think if I'd 'spat the dummy' it would have been a giveaway to the IF I was dealing with.
Posted by: Sparkle | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 13:45
he he - keanu has speaking role - he he.
Posted by: T | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 16:44
I knew there was a reason I love Sandy! Between her, Courtney Cox and Marcia Cross there may be hope that the press gets it right at some point.
Posted by: Jen | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 18:05
even if keanu has a speaking roll? are you sure?
but kudos to SB for saying as she did
Posted by: Jen | Friday, 13 October 2006 at 18:39
Go Sandra!
Btw- are you planning on seeing "Infamous?" I can't wait! Just finished reading the new biography on Harper Lee, played by Sandra Lee in this movie. :-) Go Southern gals!
Posted by: Louise | Saturday, 14 October 2006 at 08:28
Oh I love her. Thank you so much for sharing that. And the film is supposed to be pretty good, too - no?
Posted by: thalia | Sunday, 15 October 2006 at 03:50
Great response, love Sandra. And yes, boycott that other lady. Grrr. She's obnoxious anyways.
Posted by: N | Monday, 16 October 2006 at 03:50