We interrupt the regularly scheduled stoopid sister-in-law rant* at Chez Millie to bring you a story with an appropriate, if not happy, ending.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away (I know that's a different story but I couldn't help myself) there was a fairly young woman who was ready to give up her wild stallion. No no no. Not a hunky man: a sports car. See, she'd moved to the high mountain desert and found that her zippy black sports car wasn't the best choice. She'd met her prince and thought they might settle down (it had been two years by this point, after all) and have little princes and princesses. Or she just wanted all wheel drive so that she could safely and speedily zip up the mountains and around the town in the snow. Whatever.
She researched and she looked and she decided on a silver car that she named Holly Golightly. Now Holly wasn't just another silver car--she was platinum. Hence the name. And if you know the movie (and if you don't--you really should), you know that Holly was a "working gir"l. So the fairly young woman and Holly made a pact to have safe adventures and make room for the kids to come. Holly loved the mountains.
Then Holly moved to the beach and boy did she love the beach as well. It was the American Riviera--the perfect place for our Holly. She loved to zip along the gorgeous coast and around the rich people's houses.
Then Holly moved up north. There wasn't much to challenge her and she grew a bit bored. The now-not-so young woman and her prince settled down and did their best to procreate and continue the lineage. But it wasn't to be for quite some time.
And both Holly and the now-much-older woman grew older and a bit sadder. Holly became a reminder of carseats that were never installed (although she wasn't even LATCH compliant which was apparently a big deal). And the now-much-older woman wanted a new toy to zip around in. A younger sister for Holly, if you will. And that's how Violet joined the family.
Holly longed for the mountains of her youth. One day the now-much-older woman turned to her guide for an answer. The amazing List of Craig came through yet again. There was someone who was moving back to Holly's birthplace and wanted a car just like her. It was an earnest young couple who will take her back home and lavish her with attention and new dreams. It couldn't have been any easier for the now-much-older woman. She merely had to respond to the young couple and they fell in love with Holly right away. They even respected her enough to pay cash. You know how Holly likes her cash.
So the now-much-older woman and Holly each get a happy ending. It doesn't get better than that at least until January. Oh and Violet, while sad to see Holly go, is very glad that's she's LATCH compliant.
*FWIW I haven't sent the email yet. I've edited it and thought about it and perhaps it helped enough to just write it. I'm waiting to talk to the Sister of the Bride to see what she thinks.
You asked for ASSVICE...
I wouldn't do it. I think you might regret it later and it sounds to me that it will do absolutely no good--and will fuel the "bitter infertile" interpretation with which they probably already paint all of your actions. You certainly don't have to help them watch their kids while they ruin all the important moments for Cousin and hubby... someone will keep those poor wretches from falling on steak knives, I'm sure.
More importantly, how will you enjoy this wedding despite the ASSHOLE & Co.'s wildly inappropriate activities? I suggest a secret documentary... a la Michael Moore, in which they think they are starring in a pic about close-knit families, but which you will transform into an indictment of all things UTAH (except, of course, Bryce Canyon, which is lovely).
Babbling. Sorry. Do give us all the gory details as they materialize...
Posted by: JennaM | Wednesday, 04 October 2006 at 10:36
So glad that Holly is going to a good home, it sounds as if she deserves it. I'm also with Jenna, I'm not sure sending it is a good option. Lots of horrible potential repercussions.
Posted by: thalia | Wednesday, 04 October 2006 at 13:05
Glad that Holly is returning to her roots.
Keep us posted on the in-law drama!
Posted by: Louise | Wednesday, 04 October 2006 at 14:29
So... what did you do about the email? And how was the wedding?
Posted by: Louise | Monday, 09 October 2006 at 12:08
So did you get a new car name Violet? And Holly found a new home, wonderful.
Interesting about the "out-laws", can't wait to hear what happened!
Posted by: KIMMER | Monday, 09 October 2006 at 12:57
Violet will need to be LATCH compliant ;)
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Tuesday, 10 October 2006 at 08:15
glad holly found a good home!
Posted by: elana | Tuesday, 10 October 2006 at 18:28
So how did the weekend go? Are you okay?! You're suspiciously silent!
Posted by: Red Headed Momma | Wednesday, 11 October 2006 at 07:04