I'm starting to get a bit panicked here. I've been saying for a couple of months that I wanted to cycle again in October. Um, has anyone looked at a calendar? Because October is really really really close. And clearly the mister isn't the only one who's been procrastinating. Pot, here, reporting for duty.
I think the plan is in motion. Hell, the plan is snowballing and that's ok. I emailed my nurse today to see what we needed to do. Here's the list:
- Infectious Disease bloodwork for the 4 of us (I don't know why the mister has to do this. He's involved but not involved if you know what I mean. No samples, no tissue, no nothing).
- THREE appointments with the psychologist. One just with the donors. One just with us. One with the four of us.
- Meeting with Dr. Local to discuss the protocol. Nurse Nice asked if I could meet him next Monday afternoon. Duh, of course I can!
Oh, and there's the little matter of getting the contract finalized, to the attorney and all signed.
I'd prefer to get my thyroid in check before I cycle but maybe I'll settle for TSH levels and perhaps prolactin and a few other tests.
And if you're wondering about the rush to cycle, I'm heading to Thailand for 3 weeks in December so I think I need to have the transfer by the second week of November or not until January.
October! What was I thinking?
Hmm. Yeah, October is right around the corner. But it's probably as a good a time as any...there will always be a million things to do. Maybe you can push into late October?
Question about jam making.
Pectin or no pectin? Which side are you on?
Posted by: ninaB | Tuesday, 19 September 2006 at 18:43
For the very first time, ever, I'm absolutely certain about the band where one of your titles comes from. Not only that, but I saw them at the Cradle. I'm all puffed up with coolness, now!
October is soon, but you can do it!!!
Posted by: Suz | Tuesday, 19 September 2006 at 18:43
Nope. Not the Long Winters. Green Day. I did not see Green Day at the cradle. I am still a dork and October is scary soon, but still doable.
Posted by: Suz | Wednesday, 20 September 2006 at 02:48
October cycle - wow how exciting!
Posted by: Sparkle | Wednesday, 20 September 2006 at 03:10
Aaah, October! The loveliest month for a conception or a birthday ;)
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Wednesday, 20 September 2006 at 05:03
October's awesome, and as good a month as any. And you'll be ready.
Thailand? Very cool. What's the occasion?
Posted by: Roni | Wednesday, 20 September 2006 at 06:52
So glad it's coming up so fast, it's always so much better when there's work to be done on the fertility front.
Posted by: thalia | Wednesday, 20 September 2006 at 08:13
Delurking to say GOOD LUCK! I hope this whirlwind has a happy ending for you.
Posted by: beagle | Wednesday, 20 September 2006 at 11:23
October cycle! Cool beans. Can't wait to cheer you on.
Posted by: Bonnie | Wednesday, 20 September 2006 at 12:19