Tonight was a good night. I'm headed to bed soon, having just watched the first episode of The Amazing Race. I accomplished a great deal in my early afternoon off work:
I found a new endocrinologist (not an RE just and E) who practices in the same groups as my Internist. That's the good news. The bad news is that she can't see me until November. At which time I'll have been off my thyroid medication completely for about 8 months.
The worse news is that my internist is on maternity leave so I have to see her PA to get the referral and some other bloodwork. Oh, and I suppose I don't have to tell y'all that this is her second maternity leave since I started seeing her back when I needed a workup for my RE. That's right, I've been lapped by my doc.
To make up for that tidbit I signed up for a jam making class at one of my favorite jam makers. Yes, Millie the Confectionary Geek is back in full force. I tried to sign up back in May but all the classes were full for the summer. Luckily the Jam Queen added another couple of classes. I was all set to settle for fruit butters but I can just take both, right?
After our untimely spat last week the mister got his ducks in a row. That is to say he produced a kick-ass draft of a donor embryo agreement (that I'd compiled from a variety of sources but really give him the credit) that I was able to send to the donors today. It didn't even take another single nagging word from me. So we should be able to wrap the contract part up in the next week. I think it will be tough to cycle in October but we'll see. A few blood draws, a couple of meetings with the psychologist and geneticist and we will be officially a go.
We had a nice visit yesterday with The Designer. She has an incredibly short attention span this days and needed some activities. She asked for nail polish so I found lots of fun sparkly colors and she can paint away. She's very famous now, people have heard of her all through the state. I'm lucky she'll still see us. I think I'll have to pay for her autograph though. And next time I'm sure I'll have to book with her private secretary.
She's in very good spirits and so far all is going as well as can be hoped for. Your good wishes mean a lot to her. She only has dial-up currently but I think she'll wrangle a Starbucks pass soon and she'll read them for herself.
Oooh, jam-making. I have not done that for years. I love rhubarb and ginger. It upsets me as I cannot eat it :(
Glad to hear about the Designer. You are a good friend.
Yay for the mister, stepping up to the plate. Love him!
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Tuesday, 19 September 2006 at 07:49
My ob/gyn has lapped me twice since I started seeing her. Hmm, maybe that's part of the reason I am avoiding my yearly check-up?
Can't wait to hear about your jamming efforts :-) My in-laws love to do this. Let me know if you ever need some fig preserves! :-) We're always getting our pantry stocked by granny :-)
Posted by: Louise | Tuesday, 19 September 2006 at 13:53
I know that it's not for everyone, but DVD's of the Sopranos saved me when I was in the hospital. I only wish that I thought of nail polish, too.
Ohhh! Racing was lovely!! I missed it. I read in EW that this season is another one with a "most hated couple" and the first where alliances really come to bear. I kept trying to guess about the "most hated couple" and came up with Sarah and Peter. Until she had trouble with the wall, they were seriously getting on my nerves..
Posted by: Suz | Tuesday, 19 September 2006 at 16:19