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Monday, 18 September 2006


Oooh, jam-making. I have not done that for years. I love rhubarb and ginger. It upsets me as I cannot eat it :(

Glad to hear about the Designer. You are a good friend.

Yay for the mister, stepping up to the plate. Love him!

My ob/gyn has lapped me twice since I started seeing her. Hmm, maybe that's part of the reason I am avoiding my yearly check-up?

Can't wait to hear about your jamming efforts :-) My in-laws love to do this. Let me know if you ever need some fig preserves! :-) We're always getting our pantry stocked by granny :-)

I know that it's not for everyone, but DVD's of the Sopranos saved me when I was in the hospital. I only wish that I thought of nail polish, too.

Ohhh! Racing was lovely!! I missed it. I read in EW that this season is another one with a "most hated couple" and the first where alliances really come to bear. I kept trying to guess about the "most hated couple" and came up with Sarah and Peter. Until she had trouble with the wall, they were seriously getting on my nerves..

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