Since the new season of House just started, I thought I'd devote a post to some housekeeping issues. There are lots of things floating around in my head that I thought I'd already posted but it turns out I haven't. Must just be the friendly voices in my head that I'm thinking of.
Why I'm not doing any more testing at this point: Several folks asked and I meant to email you back. I swear. I do have good intentions when it comes to emailing. Anyway, I decided to just try one ED cycle without doing any more testing (like the endometrial biopsy or testing a la Dr Antibiotics). Three doctors who I respect the hell out of tell me I should just try again. That I've just had more than my fair share of bad luck. I think that maybe getting the other tube out will solve some if not all of the issues. If there was some toxic stuff in that, then it's gone. I think our chances are ok for the ED cycle. If we get more info then, perhaps I'll do the beta integrin test and/or antibiotic therapy. I'm not willing to consider another full blown donor egg cycle without doing those first but this just seems right for now.
Where we stand on the embryos: Things are moving along but it's been a bit slow due to the end of summer stuff. They were vacationing, we were vacationing. Everything is a go. They are more than willing to do the infectious disease testing (whew!) so no worries there. I'm hoping we can get together this weekend to see how close we are with the contract. Then things will move really quickly I think. I'm hoping to cycle in October or so.
What else I need to do before I cycle: I'm still being very good and taking all my vitamins. And my folgard. Yay me! I need to find a new endocrinologist--not an RE, just an E. Anyone got one near me that they love to bits? I want to get my thyroid back under control. I'm sure it's a bit high again. I'd love any and all recs (or people to stay away from as well). I'll probably start acupuncture again closer to my cycle. I think that's about it this time around.
What's up with the adoption thing: The mister and I are headed to an orientation at a local agency next week. They do both domestic and international adoptions and are very well respected. We have a few ideas about which way we're leaning but that's another whole post. If we like the agency we'll probably sign up for their next intro series where you begin everything. Yay for that!
What's up with the work thing: Well, they like me. They really like me. I was gone for a week and they really missed me. They've extended my contract and that's ok with me. Just barely ok. I'm more than a bit tired of the commute. And the boring work. But not the free coffee. I'm worried because they started using those three little letters that strike fear into my heart FTE (full time employee, for you non high tech folks). They are 'trying to create a position' for me. A more senior position, much higher level appropriate with my skillset and experience. They want to 'make this happen' but I'm not supposed to talk about it. I tried to tell them not to try very hard. I really really really really don't want to become an FTE. It means much less money. Longer work hours. More stress. Benefits that I don't give a crap about (except the gym--that would be cool). And I'm really not willing to commit to much more than 3 months at the time right now. I'm just trying to hold onto my upcoming vacation in 14 weeks. But who's counting?
What ever happened to the mister's blog? He is still going to start one. I think it's got a name and he just needs to find a block of time to start on it. Thanks so much for all the great suggestions and especially the other guys that are out there. Y'all will be the first to know when he's out there. I promise.
What's up with the car? We're hoping to pick her up tomorrow. Those beamer folks are a bit slow processing checks. They've had a wad of $$ for a day and I'm hoping it will be just one more day.
What kept you from the internet all last week? My 'rents were here. Yes, I'm still recovering. We did have a great visit and a lot of fun. I also remembered why several thousand miles provide a nice buffer zone. We took the dogs up to L@ke T@hoe and had a blast. It was so very pretty up there. I'm completely exhausted now and need a vacation from my vacation.
What's the best news you've heard recently? There seems to be a lot of good news out there for a change but you might not have heard of any of it:
- The lovely Kate and her recipient both got bfps on their shared cycle!
- A friend's husband will finally let her 'fess up that their first donor cycle worked. She's 11 weeks and the mister and I are over the moon. I thought I'd written a post trying to out her a few weeks ago but that must have been the voices in my head. I'm so very glad her man came to his senses because they are going to be amazing parents. Well, she is. ;)
- And the lovely BONNIE who many of you know from her comments on other blogs, and who still hasn't started her own blog even though I've begged and pleaded repeatedly, gave birth to her son a few days ago. Mom and baby are doing great. He's a totally cute baby. She's gobsmacked. I'm crying tears of joy for them.
How's that for ending on a good note or three!
Wow, that was a lot to digest!
Posted by: teamwinks | Thursday, 07 September 2006 at 18:54
Good luck at the adoption meeting - one word of assvice - if they ask, you are not doing any assisted reproduction attempts - they frown on that. You are suppose to be "over" that phase of your life. I lied when I went, we still tried IVF, it did not work. We are on the wait list now. We find out Tuesday if we are picked to be parents of a baby girl due Nov 5th (we are one out of 4 couples). I guess 25% is better than the 5% I had of getting pregnant! Good Luck with everything!!
Posted by: Maggie | Thursday, 07 September 2006 at 19:11
so glad to hear all the updates! Many positive things on your horizon. And I agree, sucks to be an FTE.
Congrats on the awesome car!!!
Posted by: Roni | Thursday, 07 September 2006 at 19:22
Well, you certainly made up for lack of posting all in one go there, didn't ya?!? ;)
Very interesting to read.
I think the FTE thing sounds sucky, and it sounds like you have it much better right now. Just tell them you are happy with the free coffee and that is good enough for you! ;)
The embryo donation sounds amazing, I'm very, very excited about that for you!
Also will be interested to hear about the adoption program, that's something we haven't looked into seriously just because we can't afford the $40,000+ price tag here!
Good luck with EVERYTHING you have going on, and looking forward to hearing more updates. :)
Take care,
Posted by: 'Nilla @ Vanilla Dreams | Thursday, 07 September 2006 at 20:26
There's something wrong with their systems if becoming an FTE involves a real downturn in your finances. Perhaps you might point this out to them? Then at least any offer you got might actually be worth your while. Or am I smoking something?
Posted by: thalia | Friday, 08 September 2006 at 03:18
Thanks for the detailed post! You sound great...really focused! I'm a firm believer that persistance pays off. A friend of mine (1st baby stillborn, 2nd baby preemie, 3rd baby adopted from Russia) told me years ago when I first started having my miscarriages that if I wanted a family, I would have one - it may not be exactly the way I envisioned getting one, but I will have one. Although the road has been a long and twisted one, you will have one, too.
Posted by: Sue | Friday, 08 September 2006 at 11:05
Well, what a whole bunch of great news. Exciting stuff.
Can't wait to read the adoption post. Here in Oz they have the same few on ART and doing adoption at the same time. As Maggie pointed out, most people just keep it quiet.
By this time, maybe Violet has arrived in her new home - very cute ride.
Posted by: Sparkle | Friday, 08 September 2006 at 18:38
So...who is 11 weeks???
Congrats to Bonnie and new family!!!
Glad to hear you survived the 'rents and you had a good vacay!!
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Saturday, 09 September 2006 at 10:24
Rock n' roll for October! I love the mini too - sweet!
Posted by: T | Monday, 11 September 2006 at 17:16
Thanks for the meaty update. I missed your blog last week. You have some exciting things ahead of you. My mister and I are going to an adoption seminar this weekend, too! Should be interesting!
Posted by: Louise | Monday, 11 September 2006 at 17:52