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Monday, 21 August 2006


Oh my lord- that bill is awful! It is salt in the wound indeed.

I forget what your insurance situation is. Do you have to pay that entire sum? Yikes. Either way- that is an incredible amount of money.

Here's wishing one of us can win the lottery one of these days and pay off all of these nasty bills!


Just don't tell me it's Kai.ser Per.manente - blech. I certainly hope insurance is going to kick in there - ouch!

F*** M*, are you serious????
For emergency hospital treatment?
Hoping your private insurance will cover a huge percent? Guessing you pay first, then claim?
I really have to stop complaining about how much money we've spent.
Sorry that you got that poison dart.

hee, hee, hee - no heated leather seats. For fuck's sake, that's probably about the average annual salary in this country.

Ouch! What a bill. We complain about our free healthcare here but really, there is nothing to complain about.

Oh Millie! Please say that that is before insurance. Even if it is, it still sucks. I am sorry.

What a bill. Amazing how they can justify those kind of charges. I remember whenI was in Philadelphia and had to go to the ER, they asked me if I had insurance. I didn't. They then charged me $2 for a single aspirin. They told me that if I had had insurance they would have charged $8... That seems like a very cumbersome system to me.

WFH sounds wonderful. NOt in my job, sadly, but perhaps at some point in the future...

My Lord. You would think every hospital center would be papering the walls in money, charging those kind of fees. I hope your insurance ponies up.
In 1980 when I had the surgery that eventually rendered me infertile, I was in the hospital for 3 weeks and actually had 2 surgeries. The total bill was $9k. I still remember my parents' jaws hitting the floor. Seems like peanuts now.

Unbelievable. I hate our insane health care system.

YIKES! I hope you don't have much of a copay!

I feel even the small bills are irritations, I don't even want to imagine what a whopper like that would do to me.

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