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Friday, 11 August 2006


Sorry about your DF's. That sucks. Glad they have you guys, though. Does she blog? The dinner sounded great. Shaking Beef is my favorite at our Vietnamese restaurant, too. Also, I had to laugh about the fruitflies. I remember the smell vividly...kind of a cross between Play-Doh and oatmeal, right? See, I've been "studying genetics" since I was knee-high to a maggot...

Your dinner sounds divine. To have dinner with a couple that has been down the same path, I would pay a million for that. Younger nights, to be able to function on next to nothing again, that would be nice also..

I never buy those pickles. They always look a little bit hinky.

It's been years since I could stay up all night. Sigh.

Mistress of the maggots hehe!

It really does help when people know what you have been through. Fucking sad but helpful. Enjoy catching up on the sleep this weekend!


Gosh Millie-that is the nicest thing ever. You are making me all teary. Thank you for taking such good care of my guy while he was down my way. And even more thanks for the tiser! Nectar of the gods I tell ya.

It is so nice to have friends who "get it." That dinner sounds absolutely amazing!

Flesh flies? I don't want to know. Really.

Nice post. Great blog.

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