One of these days I might update my blogroll. I feel bad because I read so many more blogs than I have listed. I've been overwhelmed at the thought of reorganizing it. I'm sad to take down some links to much loved blogs that are quiet now. I can still hear some of their voices in my head. If I don't update my list, do you think they'll come back? Me neither. But I secretly hope so.
I think it's time for new voices then. There's plenty of room for more voices in my head. A dear friend just started a blog and I thought I'd be the first to welcome her to the neighborhood. With more voices like hers, it will be a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
So if you're feeling neighborly, go say "Hey" to Bebe at Don't Know Much Biology. If you're Southern, drop off a casserole or poundcake or something.
I keep some of them on my list anyway. Leaving the light on for them.
Posted by: baggage | Wednesday, 16 August 2006 at 09:27
Thanks for linking me to Bebe's blog. I need to update my blog, too. I have several blogs saved as favorites, but need to get organized. Maybe later.....
Posted by: Sue | Wednesday, 16 August 2006 at 12:54
I also just updated mine... and added your blog to my links. It is stressful to delete a blogger that no longer blogs. Feel free to add me to yours!
Posted by: Jamie | Wednesday, 16 August 2006 at 17:04
I know, it surprises me that in the amount of time I have been reading blogs (about 2 years) and writing blogs (only a few months) how many blogs have shut down! It is very sad. And it makes me worried for the bloggers who have left, I wonder if they are okay and what has happened to them.
I even wonder sometimes what happens to "new" infertility blogs that crop up, and then disappear less than one month later. Did they get knocked up? Did someone in "real life" find their blog?
I don't know, but it always makes me wonder....
I am always adding to my blog roll, as I find more great blogs to read all the time.... I love typepad for that, it's so easy to update!
Posted by: 'Nilla @ Vanilla Dreams | Wednesday, 16 August 2006 at 23:39