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Wednesday, 30 August 2006


She's beautiful!

It looks blue to me too but I take your word on the purple (my favorite color!). Sweet.

Oooh, she's gorgeous!

I love it :)

welcome to your new family, violet. We are all delighted to meet you!

I don't know. I still have a hankering for the mellow yellow taking flight ;)

Oh, alright then. If it makes you happy! Congratulations!!!


Welcome, Violet!!

LOVE the purple!

It's a Bug!!! Congrats!!!

Um, I've clearly lost my mind. Really. Your new addition is by no means a Bug. It is clearly a darling Mini. My only excuse is that I've been very close to an open can of paint this morning. It was latex paint that didn't smell but still...

Hooray for Violet. I LOVE the name. When do you get to pick her up?

welcome violet!

here's wishing you a quick delivery!

~daisy mae

Luv the new mini! Violet just suits her. Happy driving!

143 inches is going to be so EASY to squeeze into a parking spot...what a dream!
Have a fabulous week off.

Oooooooh, she is lovely!!!!!

What a pretty, purple car!!

Love the name -- very cute!

Congrats on the "new addition"!!!! :D


Oh, I love her!
That should make the commute to work a little more bearable.

could have sworn I posted a comment here the other day and it's gone... buggrit. now the car omg the car I'm in lust/love/need for one just like it, it's my dream car arn't they the cutest, voilet has a home here if you ever get sick of her. .... come to me voilet come to meeeeeeee

Love it! Great name! I would have kept it too.

What a beauty! And just in time for your folks' visit. I hope you're having a great week.

Been meaning to congratulate you on the car. And good for you for calling it Violet. My friend with a similar color car calls it the Blurple. Violet is so much more attractive.

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