What a bad blogger am I! I tease you with a band I never name. I make you all cry (I WARNED you though, didn't I) and then disappear. It's a wonder any of you stick around at all.
Ok, the band is Royal Crescent Mob. Loooooooove them. Maybe Donna will share with me how to post the now famous "Get on the Bus" song. It's on the incredible Omerta-hence the title of this post. Pretty please? I'm fairly technical but have no idea how to do that.
The Mob was one of the best live bands I've ever seen. EVER. They worked a crowd into a frenzy like you just wouldn't believe. And, though I'm an old fogey now, back in my prime I saw many, many good bands,
Thinking about the Mob got me thinking about what an amazing gift I was given in my little college town that I called home for nearly 10 years. I had no idea how to appreciate it until I moved. Not to brag but my town boasts one of the best music scenes in the country. Seriously.
See in my ivory tower there exists one of the best small clubs around. It's legendary. We old-timers measure our longevity by which shows we saw at which Cradle. Now, I never went to the very first Cradle but I was a regular at all incarnations up to present. I saw so many bands before most people had heard of them.
U2 was an opening act when I saw them (for Todd Rundgren Grandmaster Flash). Oh those were the days. REM played frat parties. I kid you not.
We also had a kick-ass college radio station. Again, I had no idea how good I had it. Our location was perfect for touring bands: halfway between Atlanta (actually Athens GA) and DC. And many, many students with nothing better to do but go down to the Cradle, grab a beer and listen to whoever was playing.
I'm so old I hated paying $8 for some shows. And Bob Mould wanted $15. Can you believe the nerve? Now shows are expensive and everyone calls them 'concerts'.
I have another strong memory of the Mob. I met up with a friend of a friend in Berlin back on my European Summer Tour of '92. You know where someone you barely know says call my friends? Well she had great friends. I called them in Florence, Brussels and Berlin. He was SO sexy. He took me to all kinds of underground art clubs in old East Berlin. He was being very nice but we didn't have much in common. Until he found out I loved the Mob. I can still remember how he said it in that sexy accent of his. We had a blast after that (not THAT much of a blast if you get my drift). He sent me a very rare bootleg that I have no idea how he found in Berlin.
I think I've rambled enough about the Mob and my old mosh-pit, alternative music, days.
In other news things are fine here. Taking a break is good. I'm actually beginning to work on the next plan. Watch this space for further announcements.
Oh, and the Mini is in the works but that's also a few weeks away at least. We need to make up our minds with just what we want (everything) and how much we're willing to spend (not so much). Not to mention the whole convertible-hardtop controversy currently brewing in our household.
See what kind of anti-theft system is in the Mini and then ask about roll protection...and go convertible! Also get a phat sound system...used to rock out a bit myself when I was young and had my Mustang. Ahhhh the good old days.
And you are soooo right about the town of which you speak. We had tickets to Mute Math but they cancelled! So disappointing. Said town is a real music mecca, just not many non-locals seem to know that. Maybe its best to keep it our secret. ;o)
Posted by: Kate | Tuesday, 18 July 2006 at 20:56
Aaah, Bob Mould! The memories. Mr P is his doppelganger.
Go soft top!!!! Get your headscarf on.
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 02:14
And I went to high school and college in Athens, GA, so I know exactly what you mean. Damn right REM played frat parties. ;-)
Posted by: susie | Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 03:30
Get A Convertible -- amazing fun. Trust Me.
Posted by: Sophie D | Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 05:58
eek..... I can't tell you the number of times I saw REM play at frat parties!!! My DH refuses to believe that.... I will show him your post! I never made it much past Athens, and I mostly saw REM play at Auburn (not an AU fan..... I prefer the better school on the otherside of the state...)but my best friend's entire family graduated from AU.... so we were there for alot of parties.... ahhh, the old old mosh-pit alternative music days indeed!
I agree.... soft top is the only way to go!
Posted by: hangin'in | Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 09:53