There's a new man in my life. I know, I know, I'm a fickle girl. Last year I was all about Vic. I love me some Mackay.
But I've found a summer fling. Just as Vic is a 'different kind of cop' my new love is a different kind of doctor.
You guessed it. Gregory House. He's brillant and he's better. What could be better? Love the snarkiness. Even his fellows are getting all snarky. This fits my current mood all too well. We have a lot in common: disbelief in Occam's Razor, current trouble walking, and an affinity for vicodin.
Gotta go. My not-so-secret lover is calling.
You know, I love that show too, but the smallest, pickiest thing gets me every time I watch it. House uses his cane on the same side as the injured leg. However, my PT and others I have seen say to use the cane on the opposite side of the injury so that it "becomes" the leg. If I used the cane on the same side, as House does, I'd fall down for sure. I don't know if this varies at all per injury, but it bugs me all the same.
I know, I know.... I'm trying to get a life. I'm TRYING!
Posted by: Suz | Wednesday, 28 June 2006 at 17:37
I'm with you - he's my hero! He's mean and perfect. Plus I think he's sexy. Maybe it's just the crabbiness that turns me on.
Posted by: Roni | Wednesday, 28 June 2006 at 17:49
Nah, stick with Vic!!!
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Thursday, 29 June 2006 at 06:09
Oh, yes, House rocks my world. I couldn't picture it initially--kept thinking of him as Bertie Wooster, all "hip, hip" and "cheerio!" but he makes one mean, hilarious, badass doc.
Posted by: Dead Bug | Thursday, 29 June 2006 at 18:13
I love love love house, he's so sarky it wonderful :)
Posted by: Chrissy | Thursday, 29 June 2006 at 22:56
Me too, I love him. Luckily my husband does too (in a manly way of course) so I can watch it as much as we like. They do get the science really badly wrong sometimes - I think Akeeyu posted about the episode about the woman who was sabotaging her fertility treatment?
Posted by: thalia | Friday, 30 June 2006 at 11:10
My husband has stopped trying to get the remote back. One good screech when he unthinkingly changed the channel stopped that.
Posted by: daysgoby | Sunday, 02 July 2006 at 09:12
"Hello, my name is Linda and I'm addicted to House (too)." He's awesome.
Too bad he's not a real life RE who can solve every IF mystery?? ;-)
Posted by: Linda | Sunday, 02 July 2006 at 10:12
I don't know why all you other women are talking about House. He's mine! All mine! Hands off!!!
Posted by: carosgram | Monday, 03 July 2006 at 09:59
hmmm...also a House lover. He does such a good line in snark.
Posted by: OvaGirl | Tuesday, 04 July 2006 at 15:40