So I've got a couple of books on my nightstand that should be getting my attention. I'm in that whole 'trying to have a life outside of infertility' phase of my life. The books are Sweet Grapes: How to Stop Being Infertile and Start Living Again and Adopting After Infertility.
I'm posting this now so you'll all keep me honest and force me to get my book reports done in a timely manner. Both of these books are kind of old and a bit outdated. I'm not sure how much I'm going to like either of them, but couldn't find anything else that seemed to suit.
If any of you have read these please let me know. I'd be thrilled to hear your opinions or other recommendations.
Ok, off to bed for this early riser. One of those books will surely act as a sleeping tonic. Nighty night.
I've read adopting after infertility, i didnt find it that useful and never finished it, its on my bedside table, waiting :)
Posted by: Chrissy | Sunday, 18 June 2006 at 23:07
I think it's great how you always seem to know that there are resources around you that you can dive into to find healing, whether it's a book, restorative yoga, walking the dogs, taking a new job.
I'm closing my eyes and am mentally sending you a very big hug - I hope you can feel it.
PS some where at your new place is a kindred spirit - I've been getting hits from there for like 6 months to a year.
Posted by: Avonlea | Monday, 19 June 2006 at 06:27
Hey Millie - I'm happy to see that you're doing positive things to make yourself feel productive and on the right path.
Thinking of you always and hoping that you will have your success around the next bend.
Posted by: Roni | Monday, 19 June 2006 at 08:13
Glad to hear that you HAVE time to read, given your heinous work schedule. Haven't read either one, but feel like I could have written "Adopting After Infertility". Will periodically ask you how books are going. OK, no I won't b/c you need no more pressure in your life.
Posted by: Amyesq | Monday, 19 June 2006 at 09:04
"Sweet Grapes," is on the reading list at my RE's office. Would love your review of it, as I haven't gotten to that one yet.
Posted by: Louise | Monday, 19 June 2006 at 13:20
With everything we've been through, it's good to be reminded just how many blessings we have in our lives. Let me know what you think of the book.
Posted by: Sue | Monday, 19 June 2006 at 21:18
I recently read Sweet Grapes and while the antiquated discussion of ART techniques will make you laugh, I found the book really helpful. Don't know if it was just the right book at the right time, but since I read it, I have been able to let kids back in my life.
I have lots of kids who call me Aunt Z, and I'm really a darned good aunt with the exception of the last year. Even was able to hold my six-week-old grandnephew with nary a tear.
The book does at times paint too rosy a picture of the childfree life, but overall a surprisingly good read.
Hope it brings you some comfort as well.
Posted by: zhl | Tuesday, 20 June 2006 at 16:18
Hmm, haven't read either. Perhaps I should. I'm pretty sour grapes at the moment.
Posted by: thalia | Wednesday, 21 June 2006 at 05:21
Isn't it great that people have written books like this, though? Even if they're old and stuff, just having a resource for things like this is nice.
I may be asking to borrow those if our FET doesn't work (and if I can't talk J into subsequent IVFs).
Posted by: linda | Sunday, 25 June 2006 at 10:47
Hey Millie, this is me your long lost pal. If you get a chance, please call and leave me your number. Cell phone blues (again). Three cell phones in a week! A story there!
Anywoo, I did read the Sweet Grapes book. However, I read it while I was mad and not really willing to accept all of the key messages in the book - in particular the ones around living childfree... But the basic premise of getting my life back, I like.
I also applaud the strength of the authors in being able to force ahead in reclaiming their own lifes... Depending upon how things go for me in the next few months, I may be re-reading that book with a heightened sensitivity and willingness to accept.
Kiss the Mister for me please.
xox, Fran
Posted by: Fran | Monday, 26 June 2006 at 12:59
How are the books?
Posted by: Red Headed Momma | Monday, 26 June 2006 at 17:01