Well, it's not looking good for the home team. I broke down and did some peeing today. On a stick. I'm going to wait for the official call tomorrow but I have a feeling there will be a great deal of alcohol in my near future (as opposed to just the guiness in the stew that mostly cooked off). Cosmos, mimosas and gin and tonics. Oh my!
I'm not surprised. I had a feeling it was going this way. I guess I'm at a point where I can't even comprehend that something besides 'not pregnant' would show up on the hpt. I'm beginning to believe that it will be a loooooong time until there's good news on the other end of the phone.
This negative cycle is a bit tough but no where as devastating as the last one. That one took away what was left of my optimism. That was the first time the stats had been on my side. That was a cruel twist of fate.
This one is just more bad news. Same old, same old.
The hard part now is what's next? I don't think I've got another trip to SA left in me. I'm not sure I can bear going back alone. It would have to be for 2 weeks and it would just be so much harder. I'll make a half-assed attempt to see if our donor would be willing to cycle with us again.
We're still on several wait list for donor embyos. Not to put all my eggs in one basket but I think that's going to be what we pin our future hopes on. We've always been more comfortable with donor embryos than donor eggs. We just got tired of waiting. Guess it's just time to wait some more.
Garden State comes out with a new donor embryo list next week. I plan on full-court pressure with Nurse S from the local clinic when she calls with the bad news tomorrow. I'm not too proud to beg. I'm hoping she'll feel sorry enough for me this time to kick-start their donor embryo program. It's VERY close to being a reality. We'd be near the top of the list (if not AT the top). Hell, I'm willing to supply her and her entire family with free video games for life. Think a sign "Will Take Embryos for Video Games" will work for me? Or baked goods. Maybe a combination. Who can turn down both video games and baked goods?
I might even call the other clinic in town with a donor embryo program. I know their wait list is really long but they're covered by my insurance so what the hell.
On the plus side, I can plan a trip to South East Asia this winter to attend a friend's wedding and celebrate my fourth anniversary. Since I won't be 9 months pregnant and all.
It's not over. Don't think that. As Tertia said, giving up just isn't an option for us. It's not going to break us either. Sooner or later (apparently much later) it will be our turn.
I am so sorry!
Posted by: Isabel | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 14:03
I am still waiting for the numbers, honey. I know I exhorted you to pee but you never know, right? A small candle in the dark.
It will be our turn soon, goddammit!!! I know it in my bones.
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 14:11
shit.... I'm so sorry that p stick didn't come back positive.... but I'm still holding out for the numbers.
Posted by: Hangin'in | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 14:29
I'm sorry the pee stick didn't turn out the way you wanted. It's not over until the fat lady sings, though!
Posted by: EJW | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 14:35
I'm also torn between saying how sorry I am and saying hang on, let's not commiserate just yet, and being amazed and awed at the post. You are fab. Just fab. There is no other word for it.
If I had any embryos to spare, they'd be yours even without the video games (although I will take the baked goods).
Posted by: thalia | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 14:39
Please keep us posted -- it's not over yet.
Thinking of you, my dear.
Posted by: Anna H. | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 14:55
I'm so sorry it doesn't seem like it worked this time. Here's hoping the numbers tomorrow tell a different story.
I know you two are going to be parents. I just wish it could be sooner rather than later. Hang in there.
Posted by: susie | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 15:13
I hope you're wrong, Millie. But I know that feeling of inner certainty that the beta isn't going to contradict the peestick. I'm thinking of you.
Posted by: wessel | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 15:17
Oh sweetie, you're in my thoughts... A LOT. Hanging there right with you.
Much Love,
Posted by: Emily | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 15:24
I hope you get the (pleasant) surprise of your life tomorrow. Either way, I'm thinking of you.
Posted by: mm | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 15:24
I really hope that the test was just taken a day too early and that tomorrow the result will be different. I'm thinking of you and still crossing my fingers...
Posted by: PBfish | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 15:55
M, I am so hoping that it's just too faint to show up on a POAS test yet. I know that visit to your clinic is going to be very hard, I am thinking of you.
Posted by: jan1902 | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 15:58
I'm really hoping you are wrong. Whenever it happens I know you are going to be a wonderful parent.
Also, are you sure it isn't a donor issue? It sounded like all systems on your end were good.
Posted by: Bonnie | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 15:59
Im sorry. I have been lurking here to see if you would POAS, I know I would. I am really sorry - you seem to be ok (well, putting on a good front anyway) but know out in bloggerville, we are are full of hope for you.
Posted by: Sophie D | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 16:33
I'm thinking of you. Sent you an email. Hang in there.
Posted by: chris | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 17:06
Crap. I'm hoping tomorrow brings you better news.
Posted by: Kellie | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 17:23
I know in my heart, without a shadow of a doubt that you'll make it, when is the eternal question we all share with you.
You're in my thoughts.
Posted by: InSpring | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 18:08
I'm sorry it's not looking good, Millie. I'm sending all my good thoughts down I95 to you...
Posted by: JennaM | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 18:31
Millie I'm sorry. I hope it was just too early and tomorrow will bring some different news.
Posted by: fisher queen | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 18:58
I, too, hope that it was just too early for you to be using those evil Pee Sticks. You've gone literally around the world trying to get pregnant...it's no small feat.
I would love to hear more about places in the Bay Area that have waiting lists for Donor Embryos. We're onto our 2nd IVF cycle, and we don't have insurance, so I'm ready to have a couple of contingency plans in my back pocket.
Posted by: Linda | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 19:11
Oh Millie--I've been keeping everything crossed for you and will continue to do so! I'm also going to hold out for the official test.
So sorry you are in such a difficult place.
Posted by: Pam in CA | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 21:06
I'm sorry, Millie...I'm glad your shell is tough this time around, though. Big hugs and who knows? Stranger things have happened...
Posted by: Lynnette | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 21:25
yes, you will have your day...! I'm so glad to hear you being resilient... and you never know... tomorrow might bring good news... those sticks have been known to screw up... god, I hope they have this time.
Posted by: coloratura | Thursday, 06 April 2006 at 22:31
Damn HPT. I was so hoping for different kind of news this time.
But I hope that your next plan works out soon.
Posted by: ankaisa | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 00:14
Fuck. So sorry.
Carry on fighting on.
Sending you lots of love
Posted by: Tertia | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 00:20
Millie I'm still hopeful. You know that FETs implant later, I'm praying that your numbers prove that horrible evil totally worthless pee stick to be wrong.
I'll be checking back regularly today to hopefully hear news you weren't expecting. I am thinking about you every minute.
Posted by: Roni | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 04:57
I'm thinking of you M.
Posted by: Paisley | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 06:13
I was praying for different results. You have an amazing attitude and your turn will come, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this just SUCKS! My thoughts are with you.......
Posted by: Aames | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 08:57
Your strength is inspiring. Totally inspiring. This post speaks volumes of your character.
But still, if there's anything I can do . . .
Posted by: Wavery | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 09:47
Oh no....oh damn just damn. Hugs to you and your husband. I so wish it were different. I will be thinking of you...
Posted by: Alex/Infertile Gourmet | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 09:53
Millie, so sorry to read your news. Hope today proves you wrong. Anoufxx
Posted by: Anouf | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 10:14
Oh Millie, I'm so sorry. I heard the news via email from Linda.
Fuck shit fuck.
What is with the bad luck for all of us lately? If you'd like to join us for a night of drinking, we'd love to have you. We need to plan another cronefest STAT.
Posted by: statia | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 10:28
I wanted to add my support. I will check back for numbers but if the stick was right I am very sorry.
This process is so unforgiving. Thinking of you . . .
Posted by: MichelleL | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 11:10
Ah Millie, what can I say that we haven't said to each other a million times? I hope you are wrong, but if you're right, I am so very sorry. This whole infertility shit is so freaking old.
Posted by: Liana | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 11:46
Your attitude is really amazing. I'll be checking back for updates...
Posted by: Donna | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 11:50
I'm sorry you're in this place again. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the stick just wasn't up to the task.
Posted by: Lut C. | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 12:45
Thinking about you today M.
Posted by: Jan1902 | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 15:19
I'm sorry dear Millie, keep checking for updates.
Posted by: T | Friday, 07 April 2006 at 15:24
Keep your chin up. It took me five years to finally conceive, although I didn't go through what you are now. Sometimes I think though that just settling to this course of action and not considering any other result does a lot of good for your cause.
Keep trying.
Posted by: Helene | Thursday, 12 October 2006 at 01:56