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Sunday, 23 April 2006


keeping everything crossed that tomorrow brings a beautiful doubling beta so you can breathe a little easier until scan day. I so hope you get to do more than dream of your expensive imported stroller but that you get to use it.

Good luck Millie - I'll be thinking of you. Anoufx

Good luck. I will be thinking of you and your husband today.

Millie, praying so hard for the high beta and a good u/s result. Thinking of you constantly.

Millie -- I am hoping so hard for you. Glad you let yourself enjoy it a little, I think that's wonderful.

Also, just so you know, my RE's office doesn't do the first ultrasound until the beta is over 2000.

Good luck today!

Millie, I think you are very brave for continuing to enjoy this pregnancy. It's exactly the right thing to do, although I'm not sure I would be able to. I will be thinking of you all day today.

Thinking of you... Take care!

Good luck. I'm home sick today with food poisening, so I'll be checking frequently.

Oh hell. I think it is amazing you've decided to enjoy this pregnancy, amazing in an admirable way, when it'd be so easy not to. I hope you have good news, I hope you have excellent news soon.

Greedy? Hardly. You have the right to be happy. Liana's advice is very good advice.

Good luck today.

Millie, I hope you get some encouraging news today - and that your enjoyment of this is only just beginning. Good luck, good luck, good luck!

Wishing you all the very best today. You have lots of internets pulling for you!!!

I've been thinking about you all weekend, hoping, praying that today's news will be good. I continue to keep everything crossed and am anxiously waiting to hear from you.

By sheer force of will from across the pond, I am pulling so hard for you that I even quizzed the nurse at my baseline today about 6wk scans and not seeing anything. She said it is very common and for that exact reason, they only do 7 wk scans routinely after ART cycles. She says it saves a lot of angst all round.

Feel free to enjoy every moment of dreaming. You so deserve it and you ARE pregnant.

BTW I am home from work now so feel free to update anytime soon with the good news, although it is only 9am your time here hahaha!

Hoping and praying to hear good news from you soon!

good luck today Millie!!! cant wait to see an uypdate

Millie sweetie, I am praying hard for you, the MAN and your little one. I hope that today's news is good. I'm here if you need me.



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