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Tuesday, 11 April 2006


You guys are too funny!!

And I agree - Dr Champagne is absolutely Dr Fabulous. There couldn't be a better one, and I SOOOO wish he was personally monitoring me - no one here in the states (at least that I've found) lives up to him!!

Glad to see Hope is a houseguest. Keep her around!


That is so encouraging, what a nice email. I love Dr. Champagne, he sounds like a peach. We're all routing for you!

i hope coming over here tomorrow and meeting my little runt will provide a bit of distraction until thursday. we can't wait to see you!!!

16 is my personal favorite number...love how its 4 4's, 2x2x2x2...perfection. Even numbers are way better than odd, and the dh's fave is 27.

Best of luck from one nerd to another!

oh. my. god. I am in a state of total and complete controlled (not by much) excitement for you and E. Can't wait for Thursday's update, I know it is going to be a good one. Wow! I want my own Dr. Fabulous . . . :-)

So, you're a little bit pregnant and he's a little bit rock and roll (?)

Can't wait until we can all breathe a sigh of relief!!!

That was your high school cheer? You NERD!!! NERD LOVE! NERD LOVE!

Anyway, what a doctor! Is he McDreamy?

This is so wonderful. My mister and I are so very hopeful for you. We're checking your blog constantly!!

I love your cheer. Also, I am crazy about even numbers. You will never catch the volume on my car stereo on an odd number. NEVER EVER.

And I'm really pulling for you over here!

we're all about the numbers over here.

i didn't get to comment on your last post, but then i saw that your comments were at 67 so i couldn't make it 68! so i'm posting here, but that 67 comments feels very good to me.

very hopeful for you and sending so much love your way!

YES!!!! We LOVE exclamation points!!!

I'm so happy for you and I'm guessing hope gets the message too.

One more win for the infertiles.

Fingers are crossed.

I HEART 67 too and exclamtion points rock!!!!!!!!!!!!
very happy for you and hubs :)

Oh see, I'm on the odd number side. I was thinking that 67 is perfect since 6+7=13 and that is super good number (in my books).
And you next Beta is on Thursday which is what? Well it's the 13th. So everything will be fine. It will.

A girl goes out of town for a couple of days and just look at the news ! Wow, Millie this is so exciting. I'm beside myself and have no idea how you can possibly be waaiitting till Thursday. All the best wishes and hopes !!


That cheer is hysterical. I had no idea how geeky you really were!

So glad you're hopeful...so are we! Sorry my phone went dead the kitchen guys cut the power at just that moment (without warning, thanks...) and I couldn't even email you. It looks like a bomb went off in this little house! Take care

Wonderful news Millie. Good luck for Thursday!! Anoufx

Yes, I've read that book, too. And I'm keeping everything crossed for a great number on Thursday.

What great, fantastic, hopeful news! Can't wait to hear about even more great, fantastic news Thursday! xxxo, me

What a great doctor! What great news! (Should I put another exclamation point?!)

Very, very hopeful.

"Chances are very good" That's what you want to hear from your doc.
Crossing my fingers for you.

Just caught up with this wonderful news. I am so excited and hopeful for you!

Fingers, toes, knees and eyes crossed for you. Full of hope!

Much love,

Oh, oh, oh, just getting here to read your good news! Congratulations!

Thinking of you today, my friend. More magical numbers, please.

That sounds like a real doc!!
I can't wait for you to post your magic Second BETA. We may have a December baby.

Hey Lady!

I am SO HAPPY for you and THE MAN. Give him my love btw. I'm hoping for more GLORIOUS news with today's beta results.



Hey it's Thursday, I'm waiting for your update - hurry up!

OK, it's Thursday now. Where's the update!!

hoping for you.... let us know!

Ok, back to being impatient waiting for an update. I swear, I'm gonna have a looooong talk with your clinic about the importance of calling us, um I mean you, sooner. Don't they know that you've got like half the internet waiting on this?


I'm hoping for good news today! You must be going nuts.

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