Ok, it's time for me to come out. I'm a snob.
There, I've said it. I'm not a total snob but I am a snob when it comes to certain things. I like to think of myself as 'particular' or 'choosy' but it's really just snobbiness.
You want a couple of examples?*
I didn't drink coffee for about 35 years or so. Couldn't stand the stuff. Didn't see the point. Did like coffee ice cream though.
Then I went to Costa Rica. Turns out the coffee there is GREAT. We stayed on a coffee plantation. We drank the most amazing coffee everywhere. I was hooked.
When we got back we went straight from non-drinkers to totaly coffee snobs. We had to have specific beans. And a burr grinder. A thermal caraffe with a gold filter. I kid you not.
When I started ttc I thought about switching to decaf. Of course I'd only drink water processed decaf. See? I can't help it. I just would rather do without than have something substandard.
The same goes for yoga. I'm a total yoga snob.
The mister and I first tried the ancient art of yoga when we lived in Heaven...I mean, Santa Barbara. Our gym offered a few classes and we went.
We were not terribly impressed. Ok, we really didn't like it and didn't see what all the fuss was about.
Then I moved to Oaktown. And I found a little yoga studio that totally rocked. It turns out the owner is super famous and is on the cover of lots of dvds. He's also known a bit for sleeping with his students. (I've never been lucky enough to have him for a class much less get propositioned).
The studios are awesome. The teachers totally rock. They're very, very good. I did an introductory series with my friend, Initial Girl. She liked it as well and added a line item to her budget to cover the cost. I'll admit I was the teacher's pet. I never thought that would happen but apparently these hips are made for certain yoga poses.
I tried to coax the mister back to yoga. He wouldn't have any of it. All he thought of was our gym time in Heaven. I forced him to go. He LOVED it. We both loved it.
Then we found out his company gym had free yoga. And it was GOOD yoga. He went twice a week. I sometimes made the hour long drive down because it was good. We couldn't really afford the nice studio near us so it made sense. The only thing he liked about his long commute for that long year was the yoga.
Last week in our efforts to work out/relax/take care of ourselves we revisited yoga. I figured we could do the gym yoga because it was free. And our gym here is the same folks as his company gym. How bad could it be, right?
Before I answer that I should have a warning. This isn't going to be like Getupgrrl's meditaion class with competitive boy. Man, I miss reading about that. I wish I could write with 1/1ooth of her ability. I miss her.
Ok. Anyway. Back to the gym.
First up: Aging Yuppie Yogi
Aging Yuppie Yogi is like a middle-aged frat boy who took some yoga. He's a pretty good teacher but doesn't make a lot of accomodations to people dropping in to class the first time or two. His regulars know the routine and seem to like it. He doesn't have a mat of his own and spends the whole time walking around class. In his sandals. He never shows anything and doesn't really tell you how to do anything, just the names of the poses. It's a tough workout. Not the style you're used to but that's cool. More of a flow type which is different but cool. The mister doesn't realize class is 90 min and nearly freaks out at the end.
Next up: Beginning Yoga with the White Boy Yogi Wanna Be
You know the type: some waspy white boy who's studied in India or somewhere and changed his name to somthing like Swami so it doesn't fit him at all. Maybe he joined a cult, who knows. He's all about breathing and chanting but no one knows the chants and he doesn't really bother teaching anyway. It's Sunday morning and he's talking about making a sacred space and worshipping and you're thinking I come here INSTEAD of church for a reason and it's likely I'm not the only one here who doesn't want to be in church and I don't want anyone preaching to me. Especially some white boy named The chanting is finally over and he puts on some Indian music and it's soooooo loud you can't hear him. Not that he explains anything. In direct contrast to Aging Yuppie Dude he never gets up from his mat and doesn't give any one any direction. He calls out the asanas and you'd better know them. He keeps class 15 minutes over (which doesn't get the mister any happier than the other dude). All you can think is What the Hell? I thought this was a freakin' beginners class and no wonder those 4 folks left.
Then the realization hits: I'm a total yoga snob. This doesn't mean I'm any good at yoga or know much about it. I just don't have time for bad yoga. I've got to find some way to get back to the lovely studio with the fantastic teachers. Where one day, if I'm really lucky, the famous yogi will proposition me. Man, how I need a job.
*It probably goes without saying but I'm also a total chocolate snob but that is another long story. Since you've asked, I'll devote a post or two in the coming days to my chocolate biases.
and i had the nerve to give you truffles that i made
much embarrassed now
Posted by: Julianna | Saturday, 18 February 2006 at 12:07
Oh me too, total snob. I only buy coffee from one supplier in the UK who travels the world finding it, and roasts it himself. And chocolate? Pretty much the only stuff I'll eat is from La Maison Du Chocolat. Which I'm pretty sure you don't have on the left coast but there is one in New York.
Yoga I'm dead ignorant on so can't manage to be a snob.
But in everything else, snob and proud of it.
Posted by: thalia | Saturday, 18 February 2006 at 15:30
You almost made me want to drink coffee. Almost.
I just made pots de creme with callebaut. Which I can't pronounce despite all my years of French, but I must say it was good.
Anywho, my SIL and BIL love yoga. I don't know if they're any good at it though; they're sort of into everything that's hip, so there you go. They'd probably love Swami, since they're cut from the same cloth. When my BIL was here and doing yoga in the morning on the beach, I would watch him and literally had to restrain myself from running out and knocking him over into the surk. Good lord, I hate him.
I think I would go back to the super-cool studio. Sounds kind of nice. Well, except for the instructor trying to sleep with his students. That's a little different.
Have a lovely weekend.
Posted by: chris | Saturday, 18 February 2006 at 18:03
Hey, what's wrong with being discriminating? :-)
I'm a snob too, but I try not to let people see that because I don't want to make them feel bad. So I'm more of a secret snob. I'm especially snobby about my books; I shun paperbacks. I only want hardback books in my library. Sadly for society, paperbacks are all the rage. Ugh. So, often, I can't even find the book I want in a hardback. And it really pains me to have to buy a paperbook and then put it on the shelf next to my hardback beauties. I imagine the hardbacks saying to each other, "Look what's happening to the neighborhood . . ."
Posted by: wessel | Saturday, 18 February 2006 at 23:36
We're all snobs about something, right? Plus I think as we get older, we choose quality over quantity, kwim? I
Hee - reminds me of a story you'll appreciate. My ex's dad is an unmitigated snob marooned out in Texas where he teaches. He was a foodie before the word foodie. That type. So he's always been a large man, fairly overweight. One year he goes to the doctor, and the doc gives him a lecture about losing weights. He says, "well, professor, time to cut back on McDonalds." My ex's dad is horrified and says, "Pardon? I'll have you know this belly was built on the finest wines and artisanal cheese!" Bwah ha.
Posted by: Red Headed Momma | Sunday, 19 February 2006 at 09:23
you either do gym yoga or you're a yoga snob. nothin in between.
Posted by: daisy mae | Sunday, 19 February 2006 at 10:30
You ! A snob ! I don't believe it ! The great fountain of ART knowledge ? The generous soul of comments ? I'm so disappointed :)
I really believe we've all got our snob factor, even if we wouldn't recognize it for such. I'm eager to hear about your chocolate choices.
BTW, that was a beautiful post over at Julianna's.
Posted by: tracey | Sunday, 19 February 2006 at 15:12
Baptiste, yes? I never slept with him, but he sat on my back a few times in Cambridge... Or perhaps there are multiple yogis with this reputation? Anyway, it's the only yoga for me, I'm afraid.
Also, try Porto-Rico coffee (Bleecker Street in NYC) for FABULOUS and reasonably priced coffee and coffee supplies. They do mail order, and you will not be disappointed. Aggie's Blend is my personal favorite--regular or WP decaf.
The only other things I'm really snobby about are knives (German, usually) and beer (English Ales, mostly). I drive a cheap car, bought a cheap stroller, and wear cheap pajamas so I can buy organic foods (and now infant formula), good wines, and kick-ass running shoes.
These are quality of life things, I think. Nothing to feel sheepish about. No reason to skimp on the things that make you even moderately happy at the end (or beginning) of the long and tedious day. And it's better than being a snob about people, don't you think?
Posted by: JennaM | Monday, 20 February 2006 at 09:04
No, I'm guessing if you're truly a yoga snob it's RY not Baptiste!
takes one to know one
Posted by: penelope | Monday, 20 February 2006 at 19:10
You know what kind of snob *I* am. I'm the girl that goes to only one supermarket to buy one kind of premium butter -- that's what made those cookies I sent so good :)
Posted by: Emily | Tuesday, 21 February 2006 at 14:20
This is starting to sound like an AA meeting. :)
I think I was doomed from birth. First-because my parents had me eating cebiche and anticuchos from an early age (those two really can cook!). I think their food snobbery rubbed off on me and led me to fall in love with a chef. The final nail in the food snob coffin was when I moved to San Francisco. I'm totally screwed now, I'll never be able to go back to my college days of eating ramen noodles.
Oh and Emily, I'm a total butter snob too. Have you tried goat butter yet??
Posted by: PBfish | Tuesday, 21 February 2006 at 16:01
LOL. I have to admit, I am a bit of a yoga snob myself. Everything for me - studio, teacher, etc has to be just so. ;-)
Posted by: Nina | Tuesday, 21 February 2006 at 17:36